Monthly Archives: June 2016

Personal Planner Set-up Independence Day

Independence Day is right around the corner here in the United States. It’s all about celebrating with Red White and Blue! In this Video I show a flip through of how I’ve set mine up for the week using the Recollections Planner series by Michaels. I’m loving the BLUE binder! Thanks for watching!!!

Webster Pages Personal Size Setup Flip Through

Hello!! In this video I show you my setup in my Webster’s Pages Color Crush Personal Planner. I just recently purchased the GOLD Webster Color Crush Planner and of course I had to use it this week! My plan was to create a video and show you a step by step set up, but half was through filming my memory card filled up and my camera shut down! 🙁 So I created this video as a flip through of what I add to my planner from week to week to stay organized. I also show a briefing of how I make my page dividers. Thanks for watching! ~ Rebecca

DIY Traveler’s Notebook Insert

Summer is here and that means lots of memory making! Last year I started using a Traveler’s Notebook Insert to document my summer activities. I found these notebooks are perfect to have with you to journal or add photos throughout your summer adventures! In this video I have created an insert with bits of other scrapbook paper and made a cute cover to go with it! Let the summer fun begin!!!

Order the latest CWR Kit! Dismiss

Order the latestCWR Kit!