Monthly Archives: September 2016

Getting Crafty with May Flaum’s Kittastic


As the season is changing from Summer Heat to Autumn coolness it has me in the mood to get creative! What better way to start the “Crafty Season” then with a class. May Flaum  has put together a class with over 20 hours of video lessons, dozens of projects, message board, and guest instructors (including yours truly). This is a class you will not want to miss! May is giving out disount if you sign up Use this link and you will automatically save $5 when checking out! No additional code is needed, when you get to the checkout screen the $5 will be taken off by using the link. This offer is valid on new purchases only, and is good through 9/30/2016.

I hope to see you in class!


Setting up my Planner for Autumn

Hello!! Who is ready for autumn? Me!!!  In this video I show you how I have set up my personal planner and traveler’s Notebook for Autumn.

Supplies used:


Echo Park Paper in the “Fall is in the Air” Collection. I have the collection for sale on my website at

Leaf charms from 21 Lilac Lane:

Pumpkin clip from lady Bug on a Pug on Etsy:

Traveler’s Notebook “Rachel” Wallet:

Thanks for Watching!

Traveler’s Notebook Set-up for Learning Something New Everyday

Hello! In this video I show you past mini albums I have created during the month of September for the Learn Something New Everyday by Shimelle. This is one of my favorite projects… You can “Learn” more about it here

This year I am using a Traveler’s Notebook as my documentation, you can see in the video how I have put that together!

Thanks for watching!

DIY Creating a Super Easy Planner Tassel

Hello and Happy September 1st!! I am so excited this year for fall, okay I’m excited EVERY year for fall! It is my favorite time of the year. The cooler weather, pumpkin lattes and getting ready for the seasonal celebrations gives me a certain happy feeling! In this video I created a tassel for your planner or purse. This is a super easy process and I hope you are inspired to create one too! If you watch the video, there is a special surprise at the end!!!

Order the latest CWR Kit! Dismiss

Order the latestCWR Kit!