Summer Journaling~ Week One Choosing your Journal


Hello! Hope everyone had a great Sunday and Mother’s Day! Here is central Texas we already have had extremely warm days and they will not stop now through October. Usually by the time mid-July through early September we are indoors in the air conditioning trying not to melt. However, I love welcoming summer through journaling! It’s a time for family, relaxing, taking vacations and really getting memories on paper. This year we are planning more staycations and looking to visit different museums, festivals and events close to home. I’m really looking forward to exploring and having new adventures. Similar to what I created at Christmas, I wanted to create a mini video series about Summer Journaling. So welcome to the first video in the Summer Journaling video series . I thought it would be fun to share some of my techniques and maybe inspire you. This series will include 6 videos to be posted on Sunday evenings, CST. In this video, I talk about past scrapbooks and journals I have used and what I plan to use this year. Let me know if you have any questions or I would love to hear how you are planning and documenting your summer!

Thanks for stopping by!


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