Monthly Archives: October 2018

Junk Journal your Christmas Series No.3~ Nostalgic Additions

Welcome back to Junk Journal Your Christmas Video series number 3. In this video I show you different ways to add nostalgic memories and document about Christmas past. I love telling stories of loved ones and how we celebrated Christmas in the past. I am including two free printables below to use in your journal, they are of scanned in vintage hankies.

Now, let’s talk about the remainder of the Journal your Christmas series. In the upcoming videos I want to talk photos, embellishments and daily numbers.  I had planned on creating one video showing embellishments, but I think I will create a series of short quick videos. I have ideas to make wands, bookmarks, tassels, and junk bows. Let the Merry Making begin!

Here are the free printables:

Poinsettia Vintage Hankie

Vintage Rockin Hankie

Thanks for watching! See you in my next video!


Junk Journal your Christmas Series No. 2 Pockets and Tabs

Hello and welcome back to video number 2 to the “Junk Journal your Christmas” video series. In this video I show you how to add tabs and create usuful pockets to add to your junk journal. I also painted and added a calendar to add to my journal and offering it as a free printable  The calendar is a way to track your month and all the activities that usually comes in the month of December!

Print your calendar here:

Christmas Calendar

Also in the video I show you a printable on the Hallmark Christmas Movies, you can find the printable on Instagram @lindsayannostorm

I hope this video inspires you to add a bit of whimsical “junk” to your journal!

Thanks for watching!
XO, Rebecca


Junk Journal your Christmas No.1~ Construct and Gather

Hello! it’s final here!!! Welcome to the Junk Journal Your Christmas Series. This is the first of several videos where I am showing you how I plan to Junk Journal my Christmas by using a Golden Book. This doesn’t mean you need to use a Golden Book, you can use a traveler’s notebook, scrapbook or any form of documentation. I plan to show you how I will be dolling up my journal while I craft my Christmas Story. In this first video I am constructing a Junk Journal using a Golden Book and discussing what items to gather and where you can purchase these items. See below for some of the places mentioned:

For Printables of vintage dollies:

Vintage Ephemera (to name a few)

Beads and buttons by May Flaum: Buttons Galore, 28 Lilac Lane

Be sure to tag #junkjournalyourchristmas
to show your creations!!

Thanks for watching!


October Happy Planner Process Video and October Printables

Hello! Welcome Back! I’m glad to be back with a video to show you my process is creating the cover page to my Happy Planer for October 2018. Using the Happy Planner as a everyday memory keeper is one of my favorite projects. I hope to show you how I create the weekly pages to document the everyday! As I mentioned in the video, I have a couple of free printables:

Halloween Witch can be printed here

October Witch Printable Rebecca Hoot

Pumpkin patch can be printed here

October Pumpkin Patch Rebecca Hoot Printable

Here is the video to show you my process:

Happy Creating,


Order the latest CWR Kit! Dismiss

Order the latestCWR Kit!