Monthly Archives: January 2019

Whimsical Shaker Heart Wands

Hello! One of my goals for 2019, is to start creating videos using products found in the Create with Rebecca Stationery/Planner/Journal Kits (CWR Kits). The Valentine kit is filled with all thing pink, red and lots of hearts! Included is these super cute puffy heart shaker stickers.

I created a fun little wand using these stickers that can be slipped into your journal, planner or pencil holder. The possibilities are endless! In this video I show you a couple of designs I made. I hope you are inspired to create a fun wand too! There are still a few kits available in the shop!

Thanks for watching! Rebecca

February “Love Letters” Printable

February is right around the corner with all it’s pinks, reds, hearts and of course chocolate. Growing up I LOVED February for just this reason… Valentines Day. I can still see a visual of me sitting on the bus with my box of valentines ready to be handed out to my classmates. I also remember making valentine boxes out of shoeboxes and paper plates and hang for all your friends to fill with cards. Then I became a teenager and a young adult and experienced having a NON-romantic boyfriend during Valentines and I remember breaking up with this boyfriend because he did absolutely NOTHING for this special date meant for LOVE. I also remember working in an office environment feeling less love because everyone else in the office received a large bouquet of flowers and my desk sat blah with NO flowers, chocolate or love notes. Now that I’m older and wiser (wink, wink) I do not put so much emphases on receiving Valentines to make me feel important or loved. Now, I enjoy the hearts and all the pinks and reds for the fun and LOVE of it all. So in the midst of the season to spread love I wanted to share one of my girls “Love Letters” with you. Print on sticker sheet or cardstock and cut! ENJOY!! Happy February! Happy Hearts and Happy Valentines Day! ~ Rebecca Hoot

Valentine :Heart Strings” CWR Kit

The Valentine “Heart String’s CWR Kit is now available!

Valentine Heart Strings CWR Kit

Don’t you just love Valentines, all the pink and reds and hearts! I remember making make handmade valentine boxes in elementary. Some were make out of shoe boxes and one year it was two paper plates sewn together and decorated! I just loved opening the little envelopes filled with bright colored images wishing me a Happy Valentine’s Day! The art piece created for the Valentine Heart Strings kit was inspired by the little BonBons that rolled and dance out of Mother Gingers giant hoop skirt during the Nutcracker Ballet I saw during the Christmas Holidays. Oh I knew would have to create a piece of art with the adorable little outfits! This kit was so much fun to put together! Each item is carefully selected and assembled to match a perfect little kit just for you or to send to a dear friend to enjoy!I wanted to have all the images and colors to pull on your heart strings this Valentine season. A special side note, there are prints available of the art work to create this kit. The Valentine Kit will take the place of the February Kit.

See Shop to purchase you a fun creative kit!

January’s “Let’s Stay Home” CWR Kit

January “Let’s Stay Home” CWR Stationery/ Planner/ Journal Kit

Hello January and Happy New Year! This is the time of the year that I’m ready look back at the past year and see what has been accomplished along with setting goals for the New Year. A time for organization and getting things back to the norm after the last few months of holiday fun! I like to think of the month of January as a recuperation month, to stay home, take deep breaths and make plans for the upcoming year. Personally, for me this includes getting those boxes unpacked that have been sitting in the garage for 6 months! Yikes!  I loved creating for this kit, so happy to include a set of diecuts of hand painted houses using watercolor and acrylic paint.

This kit was so fun to put together, I wanted it to have all the feels of staying home. Each item was carefully selected and assembled to match a perfect little kit just for you or to send to a dear friend to enjoy!

Another exciting addition to this kit is the option to be able to purchase the print of the art. There are two sizes available, a 8 x 10 or 5 x 7!

Be sure to check out my shop for details and to purchase one!



Order the latest CWR Kit! Dismiss

Order the latestCWR Kit!