Monthly Archives: March 2019

Plan with Me Memory Keeping in my Happy Planner March Week One

Hello! I have had LOTS of question on what and how I choose photos and what to document from week to week in my “Life at a Glance” Happy Planner. I thought the easiest way to show my process is to document a whole month. Some weeks are filled with activities and others not so much. So here is week one of March! Happy Memory Keeping!

XO, Rebecca

Flip-Through Wordsworth Planner for my Creative Business

Wordsworth Planner

Hello! I have a new planner!  I have been given the privilege to receive and work in  the Wordsworth Planner. One of my goals this year to is create a planner that will work for my business. I really like this planner’s set up and the size of this planner fits perfectly in my daily bag. In this video I show you how I plan to make it work for me, adding washi and stamps. I also give you a peek into how this planner is set up. What I really like the black and white set up, this gives me the opportunity to make it my own using LOTS of my colors! I’m ready to get organized and plan ahead in my creative business.

Another bonus to receiving this planner, they offer free ebooks to help maximize your productivity and happiness. YAY! I can’t wait to dive into the ebooks.

Wordsworth Planner comes in four different colors. I choose the Raspberry colored because PINK is my signature color. I love the feel of this planner, but I talk about it in this video.

Thanks for Wawatching! Rebecca

March Printable~ Vintage Parasol Girl for Junk Journals

Don’t you just love vintage paper stationery? I love these ladies dressed in their long dresses, puffed sleeves and parasols. I have had these beauties for a while and recently found them again while I was unpacking, they were originally a set of boxed vintage cards. I think they will work perfectly for junk journals, and paper crafts. I wanted to share them as a free printable so you can enjoy them too!

Enjoy, Rebecca

Happy Planner Memory Keeping March 2019 Introduction Page

Hello and Happy March! In this video I show you my process in creating the beginning “introduction” page for the month of March. This is the page that is at the beginning of each happy planner, I changed it up a bit to include “Right Now” information. Information such as what we are dreaming, making, pinning etc. I love adding this information at the beginning of each month, its fun to reflex on and see what were we doing and feeling!

Stay Tuned, I will be creating videos showing how I document the month of March! Thanks for Watching!

XO, Rebecca

March “Come to the Garden” CWR Kit

Oh I come to the Garden alone, while the dew is still on the roses and the voice I hear falling on my ear, the son of God discloses…this is one of my favorite hymns. I love mornings where all things are fresh and new. The birds are waking and chirping, the ground is moist from the night before. The idea of grapping a cup of coffee or tea and heading to the garden with my journal to spend time alone with your thoughts, prayers and God. I feel like a garden can be anywhere, it can be through the gates and into a field, or a special place in your backyard or even out on your apartment patio. It’s wherever your imagination takes you!

The art piece for this kit is called “Queen of Healing Hearts” She has been part of my collection for a while and people have told me she speaks to them. Many of these people are caregivers. This kit was so much fun to put together! Each item is carefully selected and assembled to match a perfect little kit just for you or to send to a dear friend to enjoy! A special side note, there are prints available of the art work to create this kit.

This kit sold out so quickly! Yay, for another fun month!

XO, Rebecca

Order the latest CWR Kit! Dismiss

Order the latestCWR Kit!