Monthly Archives: April 2019

Plan with Me~ Happy Planner Memory Keeping March 2019 Week 2

Hello! All I can say is that sometimes life is a work in progress, my intentions of documenting memories each week in my “Life at a Glance” Happy Planner is quite behind, but it’s getting there. I bring you Week 2 of March 2019. In this video, I used very minimal supplies stickers, washi, cardstock and a magazine cutout. I love when a page is complete.

Thanks for sticking with me! Rebecca

April Printable~ Vintage Hankies

Seriously love vintage handkerchiefs! When I saw these a couple of weekends ago in Warrenton at the Trade Days for one dollar, I have to pick them up! How sweet are the embroidered flowers? Perfect for scanning in and using as ephemera in your journal or planner! I wanted to share and I  hope you enjoy them too!

Rainy Day CWR Kit

I love Rainy Days! I enjoy the days of slow and steady rain to replenish the earth and if a rainbow appears that is just the icing on the cake. One of the first kits I created back when I first started the CWR kit’s was this sweet Rainy Day Girl. It was time for a comeback! I hope you love all the carefully selected items of happiness in this kit! This kit was so much fun to put together! Each item is carefully selected and assembled to match a perfect little kit just for you or to send to a dear friend to enjoy! A special side note, there are prints available of the art work to create this kit.

This kit was so well received and sold out within the day! Wow I am so grateful and happy that there are others that love Rainy Days as much as I do! Thank you to everyone that purchased the kit!

Stayed tuned for next month’s kit! Reveal April 15th!

XO, Rebecca

April’s Traveler’s Notebook Everyday Journal Set Up

Hello April! I can’t believe we are already four months into 2019! Time Flies no matter what! I am really enjoying journaling everyday. I still have to play catch up but I’m getting my stories down on paper. My process includes writing an event or story a day. In this video, I show you my process of how I set up my Cahier size Traveler’s Notebook for the Month. I use the Rebecca Hoot Everyday Journals and add a few different types of paper to make it a junk journal.

Thanks for watching! Rebecca

Order the latest CWR Kit! Dismiss

Order the latestCWR Kit!