Monthly Archives: November 2019

Junk Journal your December Daily Video 3

Hello and welcome back to another video in the Junk Journal your December Daily. In this video I show you how to create a mixed media page using a hymnal page, watercolor, and a vintage Christmas Card. I love using supplies from my journaling stash! I hope you are inspired to create a page too. Apologies for the interruption with my 7 month old dachshund… he is a mess 🙂 Thanks for watching!

Junk Journal Your December Daily Video 2

Hello and welcome back to Video Number 2 in the Junk Journal your Christmas / December Daily 2019! This series is all about using your Christmas Stash! In this video I’m using lace, ribbons and a variety of fibers to create a PINK tree within my journal. As I talk about in the video I am dreaming of a pink tree this year, even if only in my journal! This is a project that can be created with all sorts of different papers, ribbons and of course lace! I hope you are inspired to create a tree too! Thanks for watching!

2019 December Daily Junk Journal and Planner Set-up

Let the Merry Making begin! So excited to start the journaling and planning for the most wonderful time of the year. I have kept a December Daily Journal for many years now and it has become one of my favorite projects. Let the Merry Making begin! So excited to start the journaling and planning for the most wonderful time of the year I have kept a December Daily Journal for many years now and it has become one of my favorite projects. This is a project created by Ali Edwards and as she has said before the joy of this project is there is a beginning and an end. I have learned over the years the best way for me to be successful at this project is to be prepared which means prepping. In this video I show you how I prep for the upcoming holiday season. I will be using a Little Golden Book for documenting my December Daily Junk Journal style and a Cahier size Traveler’s Notebook for my personal journal. I also show you my Christmas Planner which I use to keep everything in to do lists. I hope you are inspired! I will be creating several videos for the Junk journal your Christmas 2019 so stay tuned! Follow me on Instagram and Facebook at Rebeccahoot for more peeks! Thanks for watching!!

Thanks for watching!!

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