Monthly Archives: December 2019

2020 Planner / Journal All-in-One Setup Traveler’s Notebook

Hello and Hello 2020!!! I’m going to try a different route for planning and keeping my journal this year. I’m going to be using my Traveler’s Notebooks for it all. I have kept a ring bound planner for the past several years but also carried a TN for my journals. To keep with my new word…PURPOSE …I’m wanting to journal and plan with a clear define purpose. To be organized and less bulk. So here to a New year and a New planning system. In this video I am using Traveler Notebook covers by: The Pink Cow Boutique (Black with Colorful Trees) Etsy Pink Peter Rabbit Cover (Marie Lee Crafts) Etsy Inserts by Yellow Paper House and Myself.

Junk Journal your December Daily Video 4

Hello and welcome back to a new video in the Junk Journal your December Daily. I know we are half way there and true story…I’m a little behind BUT not to worry I’ve got my handy dandy planner with my list of stories to document. I think one of the things I enjoy the most this year is that Brazos, my daughter, is creating a December Daily as well. In this video I finish up my numbers for the remaining days. I hope your journaling is going good and you are enjoying the most wonderful time of the year!!

Order the latest CWR Kit! Dismiss

Order the latestCWR Kit!