Monthly Archives: March 2020

Easter Printable~ Vintage Postcards

Hello and Happy almost Easter! One of my most cherished possessions is a box full of my great grandmother’s postcards when she use to write her friends and sister. They are all dated from the early 1900’s. I can’t tell you how many times I have flipped through them. I love the graphics and stories they tell. I wanted to share a few of my Easter favorites with you to be able to print out and use as stationery or in your journals/ planners!

Wishing you a Happy and Safe Easter. I hope this brings you joy among this crazy quarantine time!

Happy Creating! Rebecca

Creative Junk Journaling No.4~ Book Pages

Hello and Welcome back to Video 4 in the Creative Junk Journaling Series. This video is all about using Book Pages in your Journal. I use all types of book pages but in this video I am focusing on children’s books. I understand if there is apprehension about tearing up books. I have a solution.. watch to see. I’m having so much fun creating these videos for you, I hope you are inspired to get creative!

Thanks for watching! Rebecca

Creative Junk Journal Series- No.3 April Traveler’s Notebook Set-Up

Hello and welcome back to the Creative Junk Journal Series No. 3. In this Video I show you my monthly routine of setting up the “Journal of the Month” In this case it is April. I show you a few techniques for securing an extra thick journal and adding a pocket page protector for additional pockets to add sparkle to your journal. This is one of my favorite things to do each month. To create and start a new journal! it’s like having a new beginning. Thanks so much for following along in this series, I hope you are inspired to CREATE!

Thanks, for watching! Rebecca

Creative Junk Journal Series- No.2 Layers

Hello and welcome back to video number 2 in the Creative Junk Journal Series. My plan in this series is to basically film different ways I like to journal. In this video it’s all about layers. The first half of the video is creating a page in my current March Junk Journal, it’s about staying home this week and the second half of the video is creating a divider page in an inspiration planner I am creating for an upcoming event. I hope you are inspired to create something magical and layered up!

Thanks for watching!!

Creative Junk Journaling Introduction

Hello! Welcome to the Creative Junk Journaling Series. In this video I show an introduction to different types of altered books, traveler’s notebooks and journals I have used in the past for my Junk Journals. There is no right or wrong way to Junk Journal, for me ANYTHING goes. It’s all about having fun and creating something you enjoy.

Here is the list of Creative Journaling Ideas, I hope in this series I can touch on each one of these so show you how I journal.

Thank you for watching and I hope you re inspired to GET CREATIVE!!

XO, Rebecca

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