Monthly Archives: August 2020

Nostalgic School Day’s Memory Video 7~ When I Grow Up

Welcome to Video 7 in the Nostalgic School Day memory documentation. Today we are documenting about “What did you want to be when you grow up? I’m writing a letter to my older self from my younger self. I created an envelope for my letter like I use to in elementary. As I mention in the video, I will be coming back to do a final flip thought and add bits here and there.

Nostalgic School Day’s Memory Video 6~ Programs and Plays and a FUN Questionnaire

Welcome back to Video 6 in the Nostalgic School Day memory documentation. Today we are documenting Program and Plays and documenting a fun “All about You” page. Do you remember a play or program you were in? What did you enjoy about it? Did you dress up? What do you remember about your costume? Below I have created a “all about you” I created a questionnaire to color and fill out to add to your journal about you when you were younger. pick any age and document it! Time to Color!

Nostalgic School Day’s Memory Video 5~ Favorite Teacher

Welcome back to Video 5 in the Nostalgic School Day memory documentation. Today we are documenting Your Favorite Teacher! Who was your favorite teacher? What grade? What was their name? What did you love about them? Or maybe you have a least favorite teacher? Tell the story why you did or didn’t like them. Let’s document it! I created an library envelope and filled with colorful library cards, one for each teacher. Then I wrote a memory about each one. Also sketched out a small map of my old playground! Now let’s play!!

Nostalgic School Day’s Memory Video 4~ Favorite Subject

Welcome back to Video 4 in the Nostalgic School Day memory documentation. Today we are documenting Your Favorite Subject! Did you like school? What was your FAVORITE SUBJECT? Is there something you learned that you absolutely loved and still remember today? Let’s document it! In this video I’m also taking you back to kindergarten and making a rainbow from a paper plate. Oh my gosh so fun and carefree. Hope you are inspired to get your paints out, get a little messy and have fun creating!

Nostalgic School Day’s Memory Video Three~ Transportation

Welcome back to Video Tree in the Nostalgic School Day memory documentation. Today we are documenting Transportation! Did you ride the school bus or the city bus to school? Did you walk or your parents drive you? Here is where you will tell a “Transportation” story. Below you will find a printable bus/car school template. Paint yours either of color of the vehicle you were transported in. I was a school bus rider and my story is about how kids aren’t always nice and like to pick on others (me). Keep in mind, not all the stories you document need to be rainbows and butterflies there are thunderstorms that will are part of your story too. I hope you are inspired to tell your story and have fun creating!

Nostalgic School Day’s Memory Video Two~ Lunch Time

Welcome back to Video two in the Nostalgic School Day memory documentation. Today we are documenting LUNCH TIME! Who remembers what they ate for lunch? Did you take a lunchbox or buy from the school? Below you will find a printable of a lunchbox, school milk shape and words. I the video below I will be making a small booklet to add to my lunchbox to tell a few stories along with what I took for lunch and what my parents took for lunch. Have fun creating!

Nostalgic School Day’s Memory Video One~ School Supplies

Hello and welcome to the first video in the documenting Nostalgic School Days Memories. In today video we are talking about school supplies. Did you have a favorite school supplies? Was there something you loved or disliked about school supplies? Do you have a story that involves school supplies? We are also decorating out school pencil boxes! Have fun!

Introduction to Documenting Nostalgic School Day Memories Video Series~ Bonus Video

Hello! Welcome to the first video in “Documenting Your Nostalgic School Day Memories” In this video I am showing you how I plan to document and the supplies I will be using. Everything is packed in my Magical Backpack! Also, below you will find a print out of the topics for the series. The Series will run August 9-15th! Each day we will also have a fun project to create and add to your journal/scrapbook/junk journal (however you are planning to document). Are you ready for some fun? Me too!!!

Printable file Below:

August 2020 Newsletter

Quote of the Month: Don’t wait for a magical moment; go out and make your own~

Loving the feel of this month’s “Enchanted Forest” theme for the CWR Stationery, Planner, Journal kit! If you are not familiar with the kit, they are available every month on the 15th at 7:00 am CST. For the August kit, I wanted to create a kit that just touches a little on the season of fall. I wasn’t ready to rush into the orange, red and gold. ALTHOUGH..believe me I am ready for all the Autumn Feels!! So, I wanted to introduce the feels of and enchanted forest with bears in bow ties, foxes with party hats and whimsical party paper crowns!

In order to set the mood for the chanted forest I created this super FUN paper crown. I would love for you to make one too! Here is the pattern and supplies I used and a step by step video!

DIY Paper Crown Video

Now to touch on this past month, I also had so much fun painting and decorating my magical train case, in the video series “Paint Your Train Case” This is still available on YouTube. The inside has to be my favorite! I can change out the art and quote behind the elastic band. Oh it is so fun inside.

A new video series in the works! Mark your calendars for August 9-15, 2020 for documenting Nostalgic School Day Memories. I’ll be posting details soon.

The Mystic Unicorn School with Mindy Lacefield is still going on, I am so gratefiul I signed up for this class! It was the perfect fix for my inner child and getting me though the HOT summer! Oh my gosh we made these most fun envelopes from cereal boxes. So fun!!! Inside is a UNICORN letter of encouragement to yourself.

With Autumn right around the corner, I’m going to be updating my website with all things fall and Halloween theme. I plan to have everything uploaded by August 15th along with this month’s CWR kit. (save on shipping costs)

Time for a “Favorite Things” One of my most used product in most of my projects and art, because everything needs SPARKLE is this Glitterific Paint! They can be found at Hobby Lobby and Walmart. They are one of my FAVORITE THINGS!

Thanks for stopping in and Happy August!

Order the latest CWR Kit! Dismiss

Order the latestCWR Kit!