Monthly Archives: November 2020

Creative Christmas Series-Day 1

Hello and Merry Christmas! Welcome to Day ONE in the Creative Christmas Series. Today I will be going LIVE on You Tube at 6 pm CST! I will be showing you Creative Station Set up along with creating a Christmas Wand! We cannot start the season without adding a little of whimsical magic! See below for a template I will be using to create a wand for my journal. I will be using a colorful paper straw for my wand handle, but you could use a wooden dowel rod, Popsicle stick or even just rolled up paper. Go to your stash and see what you have! Hope to “see” you tonight!!

UPDATE~ The live stream on You Tube didn’t quite work so I had a Live event on Instagram. Here is the link the view.

I also created a hashtag #CWRCREATIVECHRISTMAS be sure to use when posting your projects!!

Let’s have fun! Rebecca

December Daily and Christmas Planner Prep 2020

Hello! I am so excited for the Christmas Season and ready to jump into getting my Decembers Daily and Christmas Planner Organized. I know this year is going to be soooo different then Christmas Pasts due to not having so many events and gatherings, BUT I do plan on keeping the Christmas spirit in my heart and documenting my story. Here is a video of the first steps in setting my journal ready for the season!

Also, as I mentioned in the video I have these Christmas Words Planner Printabuyou can use too!

Christmas Planner Words

Thanks for watching! XO, Rebecca

November 2020 Newsletter

November Quote: I am Grateful for what I am and have. My Thanksgiving is perpetual.

Hello November! Wow this season has just been zooming by..I’m afraid the upcoming months will be bittersweet. Here we are in the most wonderful time of the year but still dealing with the Covid Virus. One of my favorite things about this time of the year is getting together with family for Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, this year we have decided to not gather for Thanksgiving. I would rather have many more holidays with my parents and by pass this one year. Although, I miss them dearly! So wish me LUCK in preparing a DINNER for just us which will include turkey, trimmings and home made rolls.

Now on a more positive note, I am so looking forward to the Creative Christmas Video Series! It will start Saturday, November 7th! Print the schedule and supply list here:

Hark Artwork for CWR Kit

The CWR (Create with Rebecca) Kit was switched up in October. I had originally had “Hark” scheduled but after a few emails (I appreciate everyone’s feedback) I switched the kit to “Baking up Joy” and “Hark” will not be released this month on November 8th.

I have began my December Daily Journal and will be creating a blog post and You Tube video to show you the content. I plan to document a little differently this year. I plan to add daily doodles and photos following these list of prompts. The December Daily is one of my FAVORITE projects!

Shop Update: New Stickers, prints and postcards are coming to the shop! Be sure to watch Instagram and Facebook for updates!

I wanted to offer a printable for November, so I created a page of words and a few drawings that can be cut out and used in your journals or notebooks!

Have fun creating this month.. and getting ready for the most wonderful time of the year! XO, Rebecca

Order the latest CWR Kit! Dismiss

Order the latestCWR Kit!