Monthly Archives: December 2020

Creative Journal Your Story: 1~ Hello

The “Journal Your Story” Video Series is a way to kick off the New Year, with telling your story. If you are a memory keeper, scrapbooker, journaler, photographer, or social media queen… we all tell our story. I sometimes hear from others, “I don’t have an interesting life and don’t know what to write or journal about” Well, here are just a few questions you could write about:  What is your weather? What do you like to eat? What are your favorite clothes you like to wear? Are you reading anything? What are your dreams? This is your story… and adding all the fluff…washi, ribbon, ephemera, stickers.. is just a bonus! 

Inside this past CWR kit there was a set of journaling cards (from the Vicki Boutin Paper Line) with “word prompts” In this video series I plan to use those words as prompts. In case you were unable to purchase the kit, here are the words so everyone can play along!!

I hope this series brings you inspiration for journaling your story.

December 2020 Newsletter

December Quote: For it is good to be children sometimes, and never better than at Christmas, when it’s mighty founder was a child himself.~ Charles Dickens “A Christmas Carol”

Hello December and Hello the most wonderful time of the year to be a kid again!! First things first… The next CWR kit will be available December 15th and the theme is “Journal Your Story” (Insert Happy Dance) Yes I think documenting the everyday…what you see, smell, taste, hear is not only important documentation but good for the soul! Here is the pair that will be the theme for the kit…

Now, let’s talk about an exciting new project I have had on my To Do list for a very long time….a 4 x 6 sticker book. This is using one of the inexpensive photo albums that you can pick up at Walmart and I’m sure at other stores. This little book will be in the December CWR kit! I have made a fun cover and a NEW sticker size to fit into this cute little sticker book:

CWR Sticker Book

Starting this month I will have a new sticker size in the CWR kit and when you purchase stickers alone. I plan to change all the stickers to this size. I still have the 7 x 3 size available in my shop BUT I am planning on having a bundle sticker sale to move those out and make room for the new size! Be sure to check mid- December for that sale.

Starting today, I am so excited to kick off my December Daily Journal! As I mentioned in the November newsletter I will be following Doodle prompts following #DOLLYSDOODLECHALLENGE and PHOTO PROMPTS (see below)

I am also going to be using my December Journal as just journal for the month. In the past, I would typically used it as more of a memory book for the kids or like a scrapbook. As life changes and the kids grow older, I am finding different things to write and document. So it will be my December Daily and my day to day documentation that I would typically do in a separate journal. ANNNDDDD…. speaking of journals..I have FINALLY made my decision on the journals I plan to use for 2021. A basic Composition book…but you know it won’t be basic. I still plan to add all the things to JUNK it up! A video will be coming soon!

I’m finishing up Mindy Lacefield’s Holiday Flair class this month too. I was honored to ask to teach and show how I paint this illustrated house.

Looking ahead into next year, I am going to be hosting an in person CAMP WONDERLAND. The overnight spots are full, but we still have DAY CAMP space open. This will include SATURDAY all day full of creating, lunch and FUN! There is hotels near by and Air BNB’s if you need a place to stay. Junk Gypsy is right down the road! to Sign up check out Craft Destinations website.

Well you guys, I hope you can make this time of the year as MAGICAL as can be! To help you with this, I have a fun PRINTABLE for you.. My Christmas Tree Girls as Tags. Print out, cut and add fun ribbon or tulle. I plan on using these cuties for neighbor gifts I plan to give.

Please check back and watch Instagram and Facebook. I hope to BLOG more about how I’m making this time magical.

XO, Rebecca

Order the latest CWR Kit! Dismiss

Order the latestCWR Kit!