Welcome back to Video 2 in the Journal Your Story Series! The prompt is ” Passionately Curious” and I decided to journal about my Great Aunt. She was an amazing person, so full of adventure, love and wisdom. She passed at age 75, when I was 10 years old but I have such a vivid and fond memories of her. How I wish I could sit and talk with her again. I am passionately curious about her life as a young adult and the whens and hows of her life. She loved her parents so much, but I know there were times she lived away from them. I also used this prompt as a way to document my journey with her, what she meant to me and conversations and experiences I can remember. I have an album full of pictures and memories, so I decided to use this one to document.
So what are you passionately curious about? Is it family, other counties, music, art… so many possibilities! I hope you are inspired to create in your journal! Here is a video of my process.
Thanks for watching!