Autumn Bliss Creative Series~ Let’s Begin

Hello and Welcome to a Video Series embracing the most wonderful time of the year~ AUTUMN! Yes that is exactly how I feel! This is my most favorite season. I wanted to embrace this time of the year with a workshop. Today I am kicking off the Autumn Bliss series with a video of me painting the cover to a Traveler’s notebook I am planning to use for the workshop. I wanted a place to house my Autumn Bliss notebook and the notebook I created for Mindy Lacefield’s “Merry and Fright” workshop. Here is an overview of what to expect from this workshop, over the next 10 days we will be making lists. Below you will find a printable of prompts to use to make your list. We can connect with one another through Instagram by using hashtag #cwrautumnbliss to show us your lists. On September 18, 2021 the video series will start. There will be a daily blog post and an email out with the videos. There is not a special place to sign up to receive the emails, if you have signed up to receive general notifications through my website. I have included the itinerary and list prompts below. I am thrilled you are coming along and hope you get all the BLISS for autumn! Be sure to check out the shop for Autumn Bliss Creative kits.

Here is the printables:

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