Monthly Archives: January 2022

A Peek into my Favorite Journaling Writing Tools

Hello Friends!! I was asked the question about my favorite pens I like to journal with, so I thought I would create a video to show all my favorite writing tools. See video below. I would love to hear what your favorite writing tools are in your journal?

Girlfriends around the World Journal Series~ Mexico

Hola Amigas! (Practicing the little Spanish I know) Welcome back to another ‘Girlfriends around the World” Journal Series! Today we are visiting the colorful world of Mexico! I have interviewed Ms. Mariana Maya, she shares her time between San Jose California and Bucerias, Nayarit Mexico. I also wanted to share some of personal stories about the times I have visited and SHOPPED in Mexico. I hope you enjoy this video!

Creative Hoots Session 12~ Journal Talk, Crafty Haul, CWR Releases

Hello Friends! Welcome back to another Creative Hoots Chat! Today I’m talking journals…starting, finishing and a new addition. Also showing you my Little Craft Place Stationery Haul and the new CWR Journal kit and BBG Girl Release! Have a great weekend!

Order the latest CWR Kit! Dismiss

Order the latestCWR Kit!