Monthly Archives: March 2024

Journal with Me~ A Skunk Story

Hello Owlette Friends!! I hope everyone is getting ready for a wonderful Easter. It’s been a week and an interesting one. I had to share this journal story involving Poky and a Skunk! Thank you for watching and stay sparkly!! Rebecca

Journal with Me~ What is your Unicorn Name?

Hello my Owlet friends! I hope everyone is doing well!! I miss you all dearly, but I am experiencing a lot of “This is the last time…” with my daughter graduating from high school and the days are zooming by!! Recently my daughter bought these Fun Lisa Frank Unicorn Cookies and on the back of the package was giving yourself a unicorn name using your first name and the month you were born!! So fun!

I am sharing the back of the box above. So what is your Unicorn Name? Also here is a free printable of unicorn artwork I created a while back!

Also, I’m using new Gouache Paints I ordered off Amazon, you can find them here. They are messy Fun!

Thanks for watching, Rebecca

Journal with Me~ March Creative Daily Journal

Hello Owlette Friends~ Playing of bit of Creative Daily Journal Catch-up in today’s video! I’ve been so busy with Spring Cleaning and organizing I haven’t been journaling. AND I miss it dearly. So let’s play a little catch-up! Thanks for watching! Rebecca

March 2024 Creative Daily Journal Set-Up

Hello Owlette Friends! What?? How can it be so far into March?? I have been Spring Cleaning…. a long overdue cleaning and decorating!! This means everything else is put on the back burner, but I miss journaling. I have glued and printed some pictures but time has been zip a di do da away!! No worries let’s play!!

Mentioned in the video is these Peter Rabbit Printables on Etsy.

Thanks for watching! Rebecca

Order the latest CWR Kit! Dismiss

Order the latestCWR Kit!