Monthly Archives: August 2024

Journal Entry~ 50 Things before 51 years old, Entry One

Hello Owlettes, Hope everyone is doing wonderful! Today I am playing in my 50 before 51 journal. I was pleasantly surprised I actually have three things I can mark off my goal list before turning 51 next June! If you would like to see the original video where I created the journal here: Thanks for watching! Stay Sparkly, Rebecca

Journal with me~ Here and There and Everywhere Aug 18, 2024

ello Owlettes, I hope everyone is doing good! We are in the Dog Days of Summer, but Fall is just around the corner! I have been all over the place in my journal as I catch up from a crazy couple of months. I love playing in my creative journal! Stay Sparkly!

Thanks for watching, Rebecca

Journal with Me~ Creating a Dream Life Vision Board

Hello Owlettes, Welcome back to another video. Today’s video is inspired by Martina Calvi’s prompt on creating a vision board spread in your journal that captures your dreams and goals. I love this idea and created a vision board of how I see my day when I can be a full time creative entrepreneur. I love this process and really do feel that having something visual can help in achieving those goals.

As mentioned in the video: Martinia Calvi on Instagram: Martinia Clavi’s book:

Background page design from Etsy:

Canon Selphy Printer for Photos:

Pinterest Board for Bag Charms:

Thanks for watching!!! Stay Sparkly, Rebecca

Let’s make an Autumn Funky Junky Journal Charm..Together

Hello Owlettes! Autumn is in the air… in my fairy tale land where it’s not 100 degrees 🙂 I am actually getting ready to go back up to New England to do some Leaf Peeping, visit one of my favorite covered bridges and artists in Vermont, and spend some time on the Maine Coastline for a few days. I am so excited!! I’m getting ready to collect ephemera along to way. So I’ve dolled up my ephemera zipper pouch with a Funky Junky Charm and want to make one for my sister who I am going with, So Let’s make one together! The pouch was purchased at Hobby Lobby and lettering at Walmart. The Acrylic charms are available in the shop!

Thanks for watching! Rebecca

August 2024 Creative Daily Journal Set-Up

Hello Owlettes, I hope everyone is having a great August 1st! I’m excited for this month to create, make crafty projects, and get organized! Today’s journal setup has all the colors..literally!! This setup has a Lisa Frank Flair! I hop you enjoy the video.

Stay Sparkly, Rebecca

Wizard of Oz Camp~ Final Flip Through

Hello Campers, The final video for Camp Wizard of Oz, it has been so fun putting together this extremely fluffy junk journal and seeing your creations as well. If you are behind, no worries, take your time and enjoy the process. Thanks again for participating and I will see you next Camp.

Stay Sparkly, Rebecca

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Order the latestCWR Kit!