Monthly Archives: October 2024

Show N Tell and Chatting about Changes in 2025

Hello Owlettes, Happy Middle of the Week! I wanted to create a video to show some of the happy mail I have received lately and chat about upcoming changes to the shop and sticker clubs in 2025. This is definitely a work in process and a BIG change for me, but if it doesn’t work out we can change it back RIGHT!?! Thanks for watching and have a super sparkly day! Rebecca

Mrs. Claus Creative Fun~ Funky Junky Journal Charm

Hello Owlettes, Welcome to another Mrs. Claus Creative Christmas Fun Video! Today we are making a Funk Junky Charm for our journal. I recently found the cutest Sesame Street little characters at Dollar Tree and they are perfect for making into journal charms! Can’t wait to see what you create for your journal Christmas Journal! Stay Sparkly, Rebecca

My Planning System 2024-2025~ Traveler’s Notebook and Composition Book Style

Hello Owlettes, This past weekend I hosted and attended a Planner Play and Learn Event at Little Craft Place in the Houston Area. I love learning about other people’s planning systems because I am always aiming to be more organized. I am always feeling rushed and I feel like if I had a planning system in place I would be much more efficient, don’t you think? With this being said I have been working on a system for myself. I thought I would share what I am currently using and a little show-n-tell of my goodies i purchased this last weekend.

Thanks for watching! Rebecca

Mrs. Claus Christmas Fun~ Junk Journal Cover

Hello Sparkly Owlettes! I feel like the movie “Elf” when he runs into his dad’s office and yells “I’m in Love, I’m in Love” because I am in LOVE with this journal cover I created for my next creative daily journal. I would call it a December Daily but I try to document daily every day of the year! So fun!! Thanks for watching! Rebecca

Christmas Journal 2024~ Junk Journal Assembly

Hello Sparkly Owlettes, Welcome back to the Mrs. Claus Creative Christmas Video Series. It took me a couple days to figure out what journal I wanted to use. This is such a special time of the year and I want to make sure I have the right journal to document it. 🙂 I am assembling my journal in this video and will be creating the cover next. Anyone else feeling the Christmas Season in their bones?? Book Binding kit here: Thanks for watching, Rebecca

Mrs. Claus Creative Christmas Fun~ Let’s make a Christmas Wand 2024

Hello Owlettes, Welcome back to Mrs. Claus Creative Fun Video Series! Making a fun Christmas Wand to start the series! I love starting series or classes with a wand, it sets the tone for a magical time! This wand can be created using all your stash! Have fun and get messy!

Thanks for watching! Stay Sparkly, Rebecca

Mrs. Claus Christmas Fun Video Series- ONE: Supplies

Hello Sparkly Owlettes, I am so happy you are here and hope you will be joining in on the Mrs. Claus Creative Fun Video Series, We will be making a few Christmas Crafts along with getting our journal ready for December! In this video I show the supplies we will need for the series. More details to come tomorrow on the schedule!

As mentioned in the video I do have a few kits left in the shop, you can find them here: I also mention the trinket boxes we will be making, I have been pinning inspiration on Pinterest. You can find inspo here: Thanks for watching!

Stay Sparkly, Rebecca

Fairy Tale Journal~ Visiting the Robert Frost Museum

Hello Owlettes, I hope everyone is doing well. I have been wanting to play in my fairytale journal for some time now and visiting the Robert Frost Museum gave me the perfect opportunity to write my favorite poem. Thanks for watching! Stay Sparkly Owlettes!

DIY Christmas Planner 2024~ Plan with me

Hello Owlettes, It’s time to get organized for the upcoming season. This is something I have done for years to help me stay organized. This little spiral will be going in my bag and checked throughout the season. There are a few DIY Planners sets in the shop.

Thanks for watching and Stay Sparkly! Rebecca

October 2024 Creative Daily Junk Journal Set-Up

Hello Owlettes! It’s October!!! My creative daily journal is all set up for documenting! Grab a cup of your favorite beverage and journal with me… embarrassing story included! Thanks for watching! Let’s have a super Sparkly Month!! Xo, Rebecca

Order the latest CWR Kit! Dismiss

Order the latestCWR Kit!