Monthly Archives: November 2024

December 2024 Creative Daily Junk Journal Set-Up

Hello Owlettes!! This week we start the countdown of December! As a daily journaler, I love this time of the year, the days are typically filled with something, maybe an outing somewhere or maybe staying inside and documenting the twinkling lights. Maybe documenting gratitude , yummy foods, what your pet did that day, anything goes! In this video I mention prompts that can be found by Kia Creates, I will link her Instagram page in case you want to play along. I’ve gotten a head start! Making time to play this season, I hope you do too! Stay Sparkly, Rebecca Kia Creates: The Thanks for watching, Rebecca

Christmas Ephemera and “Stopping by Woods” CWR Kit

Hello Owlettes,

I wanted to pop on and show you the ephemera pack I have created using pencil pouches. I posted on Instagram and had a lot of questions about where to buy the pouches. I found some similar on Amazon:

I also wanted to show you the current CWR kit, “Stopping by Woods” There is a few left in the shop:

I also have a free printable available on my blog here:

You Can watch the video here:

Mrs. Claus Creative Fun~ Funky Junky Apron Video 2 & 3~ FINAL

Welcome back to the second video in the Funky Junky Apron project. Adding embellishments and making decisions on what to do next. There will be one more video to complete this adorable fun apron! I hope you create one too!

Welcome back to Video 3 for the Funky Junky Apron, I am applying the final touches on my Funky Junky Apron for the holidays. I’m adding pom poms to the entire apron along with a few more of the felt gingerbread appliques from Dollar Tree! I loved how it turned out! Thanks for watching and stay sparkly! Next Mrs. Claus Creative Fun is making trinket boxes!

Making things Merry and Sparkly, Rebecca

Mrs. Claus Creative Fun~ Funky Junky Apron Part One

Hello Owlettes and welcome back to the Mrs. Claus Creative Fun Video Series. In today’s video, we are going to be making the pocket to the Funky Junky Apron Project. So many possibilities can be made for your pocket! I will be creating another part to this video to show the next step to completing your apron! Have fun!! Making things Merry and Bright, Rebecca

Grateful, Thankful, Blessed Mini Journal~ Journal with Me

Hello Owlettes! Welcome back to another video. Today I am working in my gratitude mini journal. I plan on popping this in a front pocket of my creative daily jourmal. There is just something about a mini journal. I plan on using printables, washi and photos to try to keep the fluff down.

Thanks for watching and stay Sparkly, Rebecca

November 2024 Creative Daily Junk Journal Set-Up

Hello Owlettes. I am so excited for the next two months, everything seems to take on a magical feel. I want to get my journal ready to document the most magical time of the year. I will be using this journal to document both November and December. Here is my intro page set-up. As mentioned in this video: Etsy Shops: Calico Collage Veriepear Thanks for watching and stay sparkly! Rebecca

Order the latest CWR Kit! Dismiss

Order the latestCWR Kit!