Category Archives: Create With Rebecca Kits

Mrs. Claus Christmas Fun Video Series- ONE: Supplies

Hello Sparkly Owlettes, I am so happy you are here and hope you will be joining in on the Mrs. Claus Creative Fun Video Series, We will be making a few Christmas Crafts along with getting our journal ready for December! In this video I show the supplies we will need for the series. More details to come tomorrow on the schedule!

As mentioned in the video I do have a few kits left in the shop, you can find them here: I also mention the trinket boxes we will be making, I have been pinning inspiration on Pinterest. You can find inspo here: Thanks for watching!

Stay Sparkly, Rebecca

Wizard of Oz Camp~ Oz Journal Page

Hello Campers! We are approaching the end of camp, it has been wonderful having you here and having FUN! Today I am working on my Oz Page and sending Dorothy home. There will be one more video left, I will have a final flip through and will show my swap items from the “In Person” event we had earlier this month! Thank you all so much for being here! It’s been wonderful!!

Thank you for watching, Rebecca Stay Sparkly!

June 2024 ~ Creative Daily Journal Set Up

Hello Owlettes! I hope everyone is having a great change in seasons. It is summer here in the States and I working hard to make this the best summer ever!! I want to make lots of memories and of course, document as I go! This sentence makes me laugh considering I am a few days behind in creating my introduction page. Well, I’m off to pack up the kits for the Upcoming Camp OZ, as in the Wizard of Oz. If you were unable to purchase a kit now worries, please join in on the fun of Camp! Camp will be open to everyone and all videos posted here on YouTube: RebeccaHoot

Thanks for watching my friends! Stay Sparkly! Rebecca

Christmas Journal Prep with Pretty Papers

My Christmas Journal is coming along, this next step is prepping with pretty papers. I feel like with such a busy season the more organized and prepped I am, the more successful I will be completing my December Journal. In this Video I am adding all the pretty papers!

Hark – November’s CWR Kit Now Available

The “Hark” CWR Kit was inspired by a childhood photos of my mom. When she was a child, she and her siblings would have a Christmas performance for her grandparents. Oh how I wish I could have been a fly on the wall to see my mom. She dressed as an angel. I absolutely love the photo and wanted to create a kit around it, what better way then to have a kit themed around Jesus’ birth.  I wanted to create a kit for you that brought out the true meaning of Christmas with Angels of a heavenly Host to urge “Peace on Earth”and good will towards men. 

I hope this kit brings you peace and love for the most wonderful time of the year.

October “Baking Up Joy” CWR Kit

Here we are half way through the month of October! How is that possible? I wait so long for this time of the year and now it’s zooming by!! So let’s capture each day with jounaling, scrapbooking and documenting. The October ” Baking up Joy” kit is now available! Check my Shop to purchase

Happy Creating!, Rebecca

Rainy Day CWR Kit

I love Rainy Days! I enjoy the days of slow and steady rain to replenish the earth and if a rainbow appears that is just the icing on the cake. One of the first kits I created back when I first started the CWR kit’s was this sweet Rainy Day Girl. It was time for a comeback! I hope you love all the carefully selected items of happiness in this kit! This kit was so much fun to put together! Each item is carefully selected and assembled to match a perfect little kit just for you or to send to a dear friend to enjoy! A special side note, there are prints available of the art work to create this kit.

This kit was so well received and sold out within the day! Wow I am so grateful and happy that there are others that love Rainy Days as much as I do! Thank you to everyone that purchased the kit!

Stayed tuned for next month’s kit! Reveal April 15th!

XO, Rebecca

March “Come to the Garden” CWR Kit

Oh I come to the Garden alone, while the dew is still on the roses and the voice I hear falling on my ear, the son of God discloses…this is one of my favorite hymns. I love mornings where all things are fresh and new. The birds are waking and chirping, the ground is moist from the night before. The idea of grapping a cup of coffee or tea and heading to the garden with my journal to spend time alone with your thoughts, prayers and God. I feel like a garden can be anywhere, it can be through the gates and into a field, or a special place in your backyard or even out on your apartment patio. It’s wherever your imagination takes you!

The art piece for this kit is called “Queen of Healing Hearts” She has been part of my collection for a while and people have told me she speaks to them. Many of these people are caregivers. This kit was so much fun to put together! Each item is carefully selected and assembled to match a perfect little kit just for you or to send to a dear friend to enjoy! A special side note, there are prints available of the art work to create this kit.

This kit sold out so quickly! Yay, for another fun month!

XO, Rebecca

January’s “Let’s Stay Home” CWR Kit

January “Let’s Stay Home” CWR Stationery/ Planner/ Journal Kit

Hello January and Happy New Year! This is the time of the year that I’m ready look back at the past year and see what has been accomplished along with setting goals for the New Year. A time for organization and getting things back to the norm after the last few months of holiday fun! I like to think of the month of January as a recuperation month, to stay home, take deep breaths and make plans for the upcoming year. Personally, for me this includes getting those boxes unpacked that have been sitting in the garage for 6 months! Yikes!  I loved creating for this kit, so happy to include a set of diecuts of hand painted houses using watercolor and acrylic paint.

This kit was so fun to put together, I wanted it to have all the feels of staying home. Each item was carefully selected and assembled to match a perfect little kit just for you or to send to a dear friend to enjoy!

Another exciting addition to this kit is the option to be able to purchase the print of the art. There are two sizes available, a 8 x 10 or 5 x 7!

Be sure to check out my shop for details and to purchase one!



January’s Art for the “Let’s Stay Home” CWR Kit

Hello! It’s reveal day for the art of the January “Let’s Stay Home” CWR Kit! I know after the hustle and bustle of the holidays I am ready to stay home, get organized and make my house pretty. In my case we are still unpacking from our move 6 months ago. I know ridiculous! We have decided we need shelving! LOTS of shelving. So for the month of January, Let’s Stay Home!

Sneak peeks for the kit will be posted on Instagram and Face book, so be sure to follow along!

XO, Rebecca

Order the latest CWR Kit! Dismiss

Order the latestCWR Kit!