Category Archives: Creative Journal

A Peek into my Spring Zine “Hop into Spring”

Hello Owlettes! Happy Spring!

I hope everyone is doing great!! The weather here has been all over the place, Welcome Spring! I just posted the Spring Zine in the sop, here is a peek of what is inside! I hope you enjoy it! They are now in the shop!! Stay Sparkly and Sweet!! XO, Rebecca

Find the Zine’s here:

Journal with Me~ Back to my Comfort Zone

Hello Owlettes! I’ve been a little quiet over here! I’m moving my studio this weekend so there has been prepping and messes everywhere! BUT I’m still journaling and excited to be back to my comfort zone of keeping an altered composition notebook as my daily catch-all life journal! Details all in the video! Stay Sparkly Friend! XO, Rebecca

Journal with Me~ Poky’s 7th Birthday

Hello Owlettes!

New video up! Documenting Poky’s birthday! He got a puppy pop (ice cream) from Dairy Queen! Oh yes he was living the doggy life! I added a special page to my personal journal. I have been having fun with this journal.

Stay Sparkly,

Mentioned in the video: Postcard from Thrifty Day

March “Your Story” Prompts

Hello Owlettes!

I have sent out a Newsletter via email, are you signed up? You can sign up through my website:

The “My Story” March prompts are now available. You can print it out below!

Let’s Hop into Spring! Rebecca

My Story Journal Prompt~ A Valentine Story

Hello Owlettes, Welocme back to another “My Story Prompt” This prompt was to tell a Valentine’s Story. I picked to tell two stories from my childhood, that I remember vividly. Very simple stories but tell a story, does that makes sense? Recently inspired by @madicorduraa on Instagram for letting idea

Thank you for watching and stay sparkly! Rebecca

She Lives in her own Little Fairy Tale

Hello Owlettes~

Who is with me? Living in our own little fairytale? Print out this sheet of Journal size cards and put them everywhere as a reminder, we do live in our own little Fairy Tale!

Stay Sparkly, Rebecca

Journal with Me~ Weekend Fun

Hello Owlettes, It’s been a weekend of Hoa Hoa Hoa Hoa… My Daughter and I have been watching Twilight since Saturday afternoon on the big screen at the movie theater. It has been so fun and actually have picked up some different things. We have two nights left… I’m not use to these late nights lol!!

Stay Sparkly, Rebecca

My Story Journal Prompt~ What do you Like to Eat?

Hello Owlettes, Welcome back to another video in the “My Story” Journal Series, today we are documenting about our favorite food or foods. I am telling the story about how I have been eating peanut butter since I was a kid. My mom would always make it for me on family picnics since I was such a picky eater. Even today, I think Peanut Butter is my comfort food! I hope you are having as much fun as I am telling my story. To see the prompts for next month, you can find them here.

Thanks for watching! Rebecca

“My Story” February Prompts

Hello Owlettes!

I sent these journal prompts in the Creative Hoots Newsletter, but I also wanted to include them here! I am still working on a couple from January, but this is not a rigid assignment, this is SPARKLY FUN!! Your Story Matters!!

As always, stay sparkly, Rebecca

Happy Planner Creative Journal 2025-Week 3

Hello Owlettes, Welcome back to another video playing in my Happy Planner, we are won Week 3 and going strong. Starting to get the feel for journaling in weekly in my Happy Planner. Today’s video I’m documenting week 3 with ephemera I’ve collected through the week, photos and words. Hope you enjoy the video! Stay Sparkly, Rebecca

Order the latest CWR Kit! Dismiss

Order the latestCWR Kit!