Category Archives: Printable

March “Your Story” Prompts

Hello Owlettes!

I have sent out a Newsletter via email, are you signed up? You can sign up through my website:

The “My Story” March prompts are now available. You can print it out below!

Let’s Hop into Spring! Rebecca

She Lives in her own Little Fairy Tale

Hello Owlettes~

Who is with me? Living in our own little fairytale? Print out this sheet of Journal size cards and put them everywhere as a reminder, we do live in our own little Fairy Tale!

Stay Sparkly, Rebecca

“My Story” February Prompts

Hello Owlettes!

I sent these journal prompts in the Creative Hoots Newsletter, but I also wanted to include them here! I am still working on a couple from January, but this is not a rigid assignment, this is SPARKLY FUN!! Your Story Matters!!

As always, stay sparkly, Rebecca

January “Journal Your Story”

The month of December’s CWR Journal Kit is all about telling your story. I have created a list of journal prompts to kick off the New Year in your journal. Each month I will include additional prompts to add to your journal. I hope to have prompts that you may not typically journal about, but tell your story. I will be posting a kick-off video soon.

Christmas Ephemera and “Stopping by Woods” CWR Kit

Hello Owlettes,

I wanted to pop on and show you the ephemera pack I have created using pencil pouches. I posted on Instagram and had a lot of questions about where to buy the pouches. I found some similar on Amazon:

I also wanted to show you the current CWR kit, “Stopping by Woods” There is a few left in the shop:

I also have a free printable available on my blog here:

You Can watch the video here:

Creating a Travel Journal for New England Trip

Getting ready for my trip to New England for leaf peeping and the Maine Coast, I wanted to create a travel journal. I’m using an old paper bag to create the cover I used a printable available in the shop:

September 2024 Newsletter

Hello Owlettes!! It’s been a while since I posted a newsletter, but I really do want to start making this a monthly event! First, WELSOME to September! This time of the year is my absolute favotite and this month I am doing o msny of my favorite things! I have a “Girls Just Wanna Craft” Weekend coming up. You guessed it I will be crafting all weekend! Yipee!! At the end of the month my sister and I will be traveling back to Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine. Yes we will be doing some major leaf peeping, Apple Cider Donut and Lobster eating, and craft shopping at a gem craft store in Maine! SO EXCITED!! With such a busy month, I will be releasing this Month’s CWR Journal Kit early, on September 9th!

The Boo Crew

This kit ill be filled with all the Cute Spooky Halloween Journaling supplies! I am also planning on creating a flip ring using the supplies, so stay tuned for a video coming soon! Speaking of a Vido coming soon, I hope to have a video out about my latest obsession, Adding trinkets to your BAG!! I posted a video on Instagram yesterday, you can view it here:

Trinket Charms for bags

Last but definitely not least… CHRISTMAS!!! Yes it’s time to get that Christmas planner out and start the lists! I have lived by my DIY Christmas planner for YEARS!!! I have created several videos to show my process, you can view 2022 here: The exciting news is I will have the Christmas Spiral Notebooks Available in my shop VERY SOON! Here is a little sneak peek at the designs I will have:

Christmas Spirals

One more announcement about Christmas, I will be hosting an in-person “Christmas Fun” event in Brenham, Texas on November 9th! See details in the shop here. However, I know many of y’all are not local, so I will be having an On-Line version of some Creative Christmas Fun Projects! A kit will be coming soon!

Ending with a free Printable for you!!! Hello September! Thanks for visiting my whimsical part of the world!! Stay Sparkly, Rebecca

Popsicle Love~ Printable and Best Summer Ever Junk Tag~ Summer Scent

Hello Owlettes,

The first entry in my “Best Summer Ever’ Junk Tag. Taking a prompt from the book “Romanticize your Life” I am documenting my favorite body scent of the season. It’s from Bath and Body Works called Firecracker Pop! Sweet and Summer, Also, i have a free printable of this Popsicle Art below! Happy Journaling!

Order the latest CWR Kit! Dismiss

Order the latestCWR Kit!