Category Archives: Newsletter~ Creative Hoots

February 2025 Newsletter

Hello Sparkly Owlettes! It’s February, the LOVE month! It’s already been a very fun month for Valentine’s creativity. Yesterday we had the first “Owlette Outing”, a fun way to connect and get together with other creatives.

We met at a locally owned Book Store and Coffee shop in Georgetown, Texas called Lark and Owl, how perfect right? We made bookmark charms which was a fun little addition to your journal or planner.

The Valentine Zine is now in the shop, and I am so happy with the way it turned out. there is a flip-though video up. I plan to have a few videos this month doing some of the creative prompts from the Zine.

If you haven’t been following, I moved my subscriptions, CWR Journal kit, CWR Sticker Club and monthly BBG Girl Stickers to Patreon. It has been challenging but I do believe things are coming together. If you have any questions on subscriptions etc, please email me at

This next month’s kit themed is “Romanticize your Life” more details to come.

This month I am also participating in “Self Love” I was talking with my sister a few days ago and she mentioned doing things to give yourself some LOVE. I am also participating in “Thrifty Day” Patreon “self love” journal prompts. I’ll be adding these to my personal journal.

Speaking of Journal Prompts, I have February’s for the “My Story” journal prompts:

~Write about one of your Valentine Day Stories.

~Write about your current Morning Routine, would you change anything?

~Do you have a story behind your name?

~Write about an “off the wall” memory you have? A restaurant visit, a vacation, a friend….anything goes.

Also, the “My Story” acrylic charms have been restocked in the shop.

Looking to the future, details coming very soon for the Virtual summer Camp and Play all Day event in July in Lindale Texas! The theme this year is Candy Land! It’s going to be a sweet time,

Stay Sparkly! Rebecca

Newsletter~ January 2025

Hello Owlettes! Welcome to the first newsletter of 2025. I hope this is a way to keep you informed all all the FUN that is scheduled for this year! First, I want to thank you for being here! As mentioned earlier, we are kicking off January with the “My Story” journal prompts and kit. If you missed the information here is the letter:

I have created the first video and am currently working on my vision board now! This is one of my most favorite times of the year! I have also created the 5th Annual Valentine Swap sign up using Google Docs. Sign up here if you are interested in Swapping Valentines, details are at sign up:

Also, stay tuned because Valentine stickers, charms and a new Valentine Zine will be coming to the shop soon! More details to come!

Stay Sparkly and I will be seeing you soon! Rebecca

September 2024 Newsletter

Hello Owlettes!! It’s been a while since I posted a newsletter, but I really do want to start making this a monthly event! First, WELSOME to September! This time of the year is my absolute favotite and this month I am doing o msny of my favorite things! I have a “Girls Just Wanna Craft” Weekend coming up. You guessed it I will be crafting all weekend! Yipee!! At the end of the month my sister and I will be traveling back to Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine. Yes we will be doing some major leaf peeping, Apple Cider Donut and Lobster eating, and craft shopping at a gem craft store in Maine! SO EXCITED!! With such a busy month, I will be releasing this Month’s CWR Journal Kit early, on September 9th!

The Boo Crew

This kit ill be filled with all the Cute Spooky Halloween Journaling supplies! I am also planning on creating a flip ring using the supplies, so stay tuned for a video coming soon! Speaking of a Vido coming soon, I hope to have a video out about my latest obsession, Adding trinkets to your BAG!! I posted a video on Instagram yesterday, you can view it here:

Trinket Charms for bags

Last but definitely not least… CHRISTMAS!!! Yes it’s time to get that Christmas planner out and start the lists! I have lived by my DIY Christmas planner for YEARS!!! I have created several videos to show my process, you can view 2022 here: The exciting news is I will have the Christmas Spiral Notebooks Available in my shop VERY SOON! Here is a little sneak peek at the designs I will have:

Christmas Spirals

One more announcement about Christmas, I will be hosting an in-person “Christmas Fun” event in Brenham, Texas on November 9th! See details in the shop here. However, I know many of y’all are not local, so I will be having an On-Line version of some Creative Christmas Fun Projects! A kit will be coming soon!

Ending with a free Printable for you!!! Hello September! Thanks for visiting my whimsical part of the world!! Stay Sparkly, Rebecca

Creative Hoots Number 18~ Upcoming Easter/ Spring Journal Series

Hello Owlettes! So excited to bring you another Creative Hoots informative video. I am hoping you can help me make a decision on which Little Golden Book I should use as my journal for the upcoming Spring/ Easter Journal Series! By the way Starts Saturday, March 24th, 2023! Leave a comment below and let me know which one you would use!!

Thanks for watching and stay Sparkly, Rebecca

Creative Hoots~ Let’s talk Christmas!

The Christmas bug has bitten me! I blame it on the Hallmark Christmas movie I watched last week. I watched “The Christmas List” and ready to start working on prepping for the season. I need to get my planner and journal ready to go!! I will also be putting together a Christmas Journal series! Stay Tuned.

Creative Hoots Chat~ Saying Hello to New Followers and Adding Coloring Pages

Hello Friends and New friends! So excited you are here. Welcome to a Creative Hoots Chat Video. Today I’m saying hello to new followers and adding coloring pages to my journal. I did a bit of chopping over the weekend and am full throttle in the mood for Fall!! Let the fun begin!

Thanks for watching, Rebecca

Creative Hoots~ Journal Update Fun May 22, 2022

Hello Friends! It has been a while since I have posted a video! I have been in Strawberry Shortcake land and then planning out the Summer Journal series! BUT I am back and ready to play!!! I’m starting off this week with a Creative Hoots Journal update, and a little bit of what has been happening in my world! I also have a summer bucket list printable (see below):

Thanks for watching!! Super Sparkly, Rebecca

Creative Hoots Session 14~ Journal Talk and Travel Journal Bag

Hello and welcome back to a Creative Hoots Video! It’s been a while since I have done an update! Just a little talk about my current journals, happy mail and travel journal bag! I don’t like to say I’m behind… but I’m behind and hope to get my pages done…

Creative Hoots Session 12~ Journal Talk, Crafty Haul, CWR Releases

Hello Friends! Welcome back to another Creative Hoots Chat! Today I’m talking journals…starting, finishing and a new addition. Also showing you my Little Craft Place Stationery Haul and the new CWR Journal kit and BBG Girl Release! Have a great weekend!

Creative Hoots Chat 11~ New Year, Upcoming Journals and New Goals

Hello. Welcome to another Creative Hoots Chat! The week between Christmas is New Years is a time to prepare and plan for the upcoming New Year! To be honest it’s one of my favorite times, as I set goals for the upcoming year.

Order the latest CWR Kit! Dismiss

Order the latestCWR Kit!