Category Archives: Planner Organization

My Planning System 2024-2025~ Traveler’s Notebook and Composition Book Style

Hello Owlettes, This past weekend I hosted and attended a Planner Play and Learn Event at Little Craft Place in the Houston Area. I love learning about other people’s planning systems because I am always aiming to be more organized. I am always feeling rushed and I feel like if I had a planning system in place I would be much more efficient, don’t you think? With this being said I have been working on a system for myself. I thought I would share what I am currently using and a little show-n-tell of my goodies i purchased this last weekend.

Thanks for watching! Rebecca

DIY Christmas Planner 2024~ Plan with me

Hello Owlettes, It’s time to get organized for the upcoming season. This is something I have done for years to help me stay organized. This little spiral will be going in my bag and checked throughout the season. There are a few DIY Planners sets in the shop.

Thanks for watching and Stay Sparkly! Rebecca

Romantic Shabby Chic A5 Planner Set-up

Hello Sweet Owlettes! Here we are at the end of February and moving into “All the Feels of Spring” I am still working towards my goals this year, which is to get organized and gt back to using my planner daily. I have been using an A5 binder planner and I wanted to move into another cover but needed to dress it up! So let’s create a romantic shabby chic cover together!! Hope you are inspired to create something beautiful today! Stay Sparkly, Rebecca

Smelly Sticker Organization

Hello Owlettes! I hope everyone is doing wonderful!! I recently spoiled myself and bought a super sparkly A5 plastic. I was looking for a way to organize my die-cut stickers and smelly stickers. I wanted each of my stickers to be able to keep its own smell. Along with the binder I ordered envelope zipper pockets and they work perfectly!

In this video I mention stickers shops, here is their information. Pretty Neat Stuff: Mindy Lacefield Stickii Club: Wacky Wiffler: Everything Smells: Stay Sparkly, Rebecca

2023 Planner & Journal Chat

Hello Friends! In today’s video I am chatting about the planner and journals I plan to use in 2023.

As mentioned in the video:

Adding additional Pages within your Altered Composition Junk Journal:

Book Journal set up:

One line a Day Journals on Amazon:

Thank you for watching!! Rebecca

Christmas Planner Set up~ Important Dates and Christmas Cards: Part 3

Hello. Welcome to another video in how I use my DIY Planner for getting ready for Christmas. I thought I would bring you along on how I use my Christmas planner. In today’s video I am setting important dates to remember and listing my Christmas Card List.

Introduction to Holiday Bliss Series and Christmas Planner Set up Continued

Hello and Welcome to an introduction video to the Holiday Bliss Series and adding more information to my Christmas Planner Set-up. So excited to kick off the holiday season and hope you will join in on the fun!

Christmas Planner Set-Up: Part one ~Vintage Printable

Hello!!!! It’s beginning to look at lot like Christmas, at least prepping in my Christmas Planner! When I first uploaded this video is was over an hour long so my daughter gave me the idea to split it into two videos, so here is Part One! Will upload second video tomorrow.

Christmas Calendar Printable:

Order the latest CWR Kit! Dismiss

Order the latestCWR Kit!