Category Archives: This and That of Life

My First Zine~ Flip Through

Hello Owlettes, Many of you have already ordered this Valentine’s Zine so if you want it to be a surprise, Don’t watch this video! I wanted to talk about what I have learned and what I love about it! Plus I plan on playing along with some of the ideas inside! Company I used to print Zine:

Thanks for watching! Rebecca

Show N Tell and Chatting about Changes in 2025

Hello Owlettes, Happy Middle of the Week! I wanted to create a video to show some of the happy mail I have received lately and chat about upcoming changes to the shop and sticker clubs in 2025. This is definitely a work in process and a BIG change for me, but if it doesn’t work out we can change it back RIGHT!?! Thanks for watching and have a super sparkly day! Rebecca

What’s in my Travel Journal Bag?

Hello Owlettes! I’m packed and ready to go do some leaf peeping. I thought I would show what I am bringing to journal along the way! Taking a few bits and bobs to help me memory keep. Planning to use lots of ephemera I pick up! I’ll see you when I get back. Follow me on Instagram for the day to day fun! Stay Sparkly, RebeccaHoot

Estate Sale Haul~ Fill a Box

My daughter and I went to an Estate Sale last weekend. When we walked in, they said to fill a box and we will name a price. Although Estate Sales can be sad to go into homes of loved ones lost, this one they had moved everything into a church building. She seemed like a whimsical person, she had a stage to give puppet shows, how fun that must have been. So today’s video is about what I filled my box with, I always look for journaling, decorating, and happy mail items and found a few.

Thanks for watching and stay sparkly, Rebecca

Creating a Funk Junky Lampshade

Hello Owlettes, A little something different today, but loving getting crafty with home decor. I hope you enjoy this video too! I have wanted to create a lampshade like this for a few years now and have had this lampshade for a while. My inspiration came from my sweet friend, Elaine in Boerne! I forgot to add the photo at the end of the video, but here is the final look:

I will be posting it over on Instagram and Facebook under RebeccaHoot. Hope you enjoy the video and stay sparkly!! Rebecca

Pack with Me~ Journaling on the Go

Hello, Owlettes!! A little different video today, I recently was out of town and created this video before I left to show what I like to pack for a mini trip..BUT NEVER EVER leave home without journal supplies 🙂 I found the sparkle glitter caboodle-type carrier recently at Ross and put it to good use! I hope you enjoy the video!! Stay Sparkly, Rebecca

3rd Annual Valentine Tea Party for One and Happy Mail

Hello Owlettes, I couldn’t wait any longer to open some of the Valentines I have received in the 3rd Annual Valentine SWAP. I made a little tea party for one and opened up the Happy Mail and opened up what I have received. I cannot wait to add bits and pieces to my Junk Journal! Thanks for watching and stay sparkly, Rebecca

Building a Vision Board~ Background: Step One

Hello Friends! Happy New Year’s EVE! In this video I am working on step one, building a background for my Vision Board. Sorry for the top of my Bedhead shots lol… I moved my camera up to get the full picture and see the top of my head wanted to be included in the film. I’m working on the next video and hope to have it posted soon!

Introduction~ Creating a Vison Board

Hello Friends and welcome to the introduction to creating and building a vision board! In this video, I talk about the supplies needed and how to get started. This will be a video series, and I will be posting the steps over the next couple of days. Here is the supply list and printable:

Order the latest CWR Kit! Dismiss

Order the latestCWR Kit!