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Winnie the Pooh Week Prompt Ideas-April 2024

Hello Owlette Friends, I have had this idea in my head for a while and I’ve finally sat down and made it happen! I love Winnie the Pooh and from the sales of the Winnie the Pooh CWR (Create with Rebecca) Kits, you all love him too. I think the 100 Acres friends are full of friendship, love and kindness! I had the idea of crating a Winnie the Pooh week, little prompts to celebrate POOH and Friends! I have created a printout and plan to create video throughput the week using the prompts as a guide! Print your prompts out here:

Mrs. Claus “Fun and Frugal” Crafty Printables

Hello Owlettes! Below are the printables for the upcoming Mrs. Claus Crafty Video Series! More details coming soon!!

Gingerbread Week: Video 6~Gingerbread History Journal Page

Hello Friends! Welcome back to another video for Gingerbread Week. I recently came across a couple of very interesting articles about the History of Gingerbread, so I wanted to create a page in my journal with some FUN FACTS about Gingerbread.

Information taken from these two articles:

Thank you for watching!

Christmas Journal 2002~ Journal with Me: Day 3 & 4

Hello Friends! I hope everyone is well and enjoying their December so far! In today’s video, I am putting together days 3 and 4 in our December Daily Journal. Happy Creating, Rebecca

Girlfriends Around the World~ Augsburg, Bavaria Germany

Hello Friends! In today’s video I have interviewed Carolin from Augsburg, Bavaria Germany. We discuss Christmas Markets and what it is like living in her city. I am creating a page in my Christmas Journal and in my Girlfriends Around the World Journal! Thanks for watching!

Here is a link to my blog post for all the PRINTABLES…the beautiful artwork she created for us, the recipes, and neat information in her city.

Texas German Market~ Show-N-Tell

Hello Friends, Yesterday I visited a Texas German Market to kick off the Christmas fun and since I wanted to include some German traditions into my Christmas this year. I had hoped it was going to be more of a festival atmosphere with music and mulled wine, but there was shopping for authentic German Christmas Decorations. In this video is a show n tell of what I found. Thanks for watching, Rebecca

Christmas Journal Prep~ Adding Journal Fluff and a Craft Fail

Hello friends! Welcome to another video in Prepping my December Daily Journal for the most wonderful time of the year. I had a bit of a Crafty Fail with the wax seals, but still had fun adding all the fluff!

Christmas Journal Prep with Pretty Papers

My Christmas Journal is coming along, this next step is prepping with pretty papers. I feel like with such a busy season the more organized and prepped I am, the more successful I will be completing my December Journal. In this Video I am adding all the pretty papers!

Order the latest CWR Kit! Dismiss

Order the latestCWR Kit!