Tag Archives: creative documentation

June 2023 Creative Journal Set up

Hello Sweet Owlette Friends, Can you believe it is already June?? I know I can’t! I am actually really biased toward loving this month.. it’s my birthday month! Weeee! I am really working hard on enjoying each and every moment. This month I have officially stated is Owlette appreciation month! Curious about what an Owlette is? You GUYS!!! Thank you so much for being here! I am wanting to fill this month with all the creativity!!

In this video I also mention a couple of artists I follow and support their Patreon, here is a link to their You Tube page Pocket Journal Pam: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=pocket+journal+pam Coutney Diaz_Little Raven Ink- https://www.youtube.com/@UCWZCTLx8iZTjPW5ColfENCA

Thanks for watching, Rebecca

Journal with Me~ “Be Whimsical” Fairy Tale Quote Journal

Hello Owlettes! Playing in my Fairy Tale quote Journal and adding quote by Mary Oliver! It was the perfect quote for creatives! I hope everyone is having a lovely weekend!!

Also, I found the video where I first put together my Quote Journal: https://youtu.be/PWOzEmJUS3o Thank you so much for watching! Rebecca

New Journal Cover using a Vintage Postcard and Sparkle

Hello Owlettes, Welcome Back to another video! It’s one of my favorite times and that is to start a new personal journal. This journal is used for writing personal thoughts, ideas and filling with all the things that inspire me. I am using a vintage postcard from the early 1900’s as the cover and you will see my thought process of adding sparkle to the cover. I also handmade this journal using a cover from an old book some printables I purchased from Esty. You can find those here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1356867890/cottagecore-junk-journal-kit

Thanks so much for watching!!! Stay Sparkly, Rebecca

DIY~ Creating a String Bauble Bead Clip

Hello Friends, I hope everyone is having a super sparkly day! I have been creating these cute little bauble bead charms for the upcoming “Up, Up and Away” CWR Journal kit! I wanted to share the process, they are super easy and very versatile! I’m imagining Fall, Halloween, and Christmas-themed!

Swivel Clasp: https://amzn.to/450KhGx Wax Cord: https://amzn.to/3IceetI Star Beads: https://amzn.to/41zY0Bd Buttons: https://amzn.to/3M0WTVD Hot Air Balloon Charm: https://amzn.to/42BVNql Large Bauble Beads: https://amzn.to/44YVMyk

Thanks for watching, Rebecca

How I use the Canon Selphy Photo Printer in my Journals

Hello Owlettes! I hope everyone is doing well. I have had several questions about what type of photo printer I use for the photos in my journals. I thought it would be helpful to do a little demonstration on how I use the Canon Selphy. I LOVE this photo Printer. I purchased my printer on Amazon:https://amzn.to/41pLhkG

I hope this is helpful! Stay Sparkly, Rebecca

One Little Word- The 100 Day Project Update One

Hello, my Owlettes! I do hope everyone is doing wonderful! I am feeling so happy that I am getting to my journals. It’s amazing how journaling and documenting my story is such a big component in my life, that without it, I am a rumpled-up mess!! So I am so happy to be writing, gluing, and cutting all the things again! In today’s video, I am working on my One Little Word Journal, I have been adding the photos from #the100dayproject and documenting ways I am living, and analyzing ways to slow down. So far I’m happy with the results that life isn’t just speeding by and I am taking a moment to enjoy the little things!

I hope you enjoy the video and stay sparkly!!

Journal with Me~ Nancy Drew Retreat Documenting in my Creative Daily Journal

Hello Owlettes! So happy to be back making a video for you! I recently hosted a Fabulously FUN Nancy Drew Retreat and now it’s time to document it! I plan to have a stand-alone journal but I also want to include the event in my Creative Daily Journal! Here are the printables I have used: Detective Printables: https://www.etsy.com/listing/952079164/mystery-detective-junk-journal-kit Cute Clip purchased at Mindy Lacefield’s shop Mindy Lacefield: https://www.etsy.com/shop/mindylacefield?ref=shop_sugg_market Thank you for watching! Stay Sparkly, Rebecca Hoot

Altered Composition Book ~ Created a repurposed Slow Stitch Cover

Hello Owlettes, Welcome back to another video! In this video, I am repurposing a vintage stained, mildewed table covering into a beautiful cover for my next creative daily journal. I am pleased as punch with how this cover turned out! I hope you are inspired to create something magical today! Stay Sparkly, Rebecca

Pack with Me~ Journaling on the Go

Hello, Owlettes!! A little different video today, I recently was out of town and created this video before I left to show what I like to pack for a mini trip..BUT NEVER EVER leave home without journal supplies 🙂 I found the sparkle glitter caboodle-type carrier recently at Ross and put it to good use! I hope you enjoy the video!! Stay Sparkly, Rebecca

Fairy Tale Journal~ One Precious Life and Shop Update

Hello Owlettes, I’ve always believed if you put something in writing, it’s making an announcement that this is what you want to come true!! So what is it you want to do with this One Precious Life? I’m writing my dreams in my fairy tale journal! Also, I have been collecting items for the Fairy Tale Journal Kit drop, it will be coming to the shop this weekend!!! Be sure to watch Instagram and Facebook for details!

Order the latest CWR Kit! Dismiss

Order the latestCWR Kit!