Tag Archives: creative documentation

Chatty Journal with Me in my Current Journals: Happy Easter

Hello Owlettes! Happy Easter! Welcome to a very chatty Journal with Me. I’m journaling in my Easter/ Spring Journal along with my personal journal. I’m on a “recreating journey” Looking to fine-tune my interests. I am also currently loving using printables found My Porch Prints on Esty https://www.etsy.com/shop/MyPorchPrints?ref=simple-shop-header-name&listing_id=1227282815

Indoora World Ebook: The Journey Of Finding Your Aesthetic~ https://www.indooraworld.com/product-page/pdf-ebook-the-journey-of-finding-your-aesthetic

Journal with Me~ Getting Ready for Easter

Hello Owlettes, Welcome to another Journal with Me Video. Today’s video is about getting my journal pages ready for the upcoming Easter Weekend. I wanted to use bits of happy mail and make a cute 3-Dimentional page! I also used a free printable page, it can be found on my blog at: https://www.rebeccahoot.com/2023/02/easter-spring-journal-series-video-3journal-set-up/

Thank you for watching, Rebecca

Journal with Me~ Cake, Pigs and Weekend Fun

Hello Owlettes, In this video, I am journaling about our weekend at the Junior livestock show. We had a full day of all the fun! I’m getting created in this video using paper by Asuka Studio, Enjoy the Ride. I recently purchased it at the Scrapbook Expo. Large floral diecut from Hobby Lobby and polka dot candy bag from Dollar Tree. Stay Sparkly Friends, Rebecca

Journal with Me: Easter/ Spring In Bloom

Hello Owlettes~ Happy Spring! In today’s video, I am playing in the Easter/ Spring Journal and documenting all the things that are in bloom here! Love seeing all the trees and wildflowers in bloom. I have to say Texas Has some beautiful wildflowers. Are things blooming in your side of the world? Thanks for watching! Stay Sparkly, Rebecca

New Journal Cover~ Creative Funky Fiber Journal Cover

Hello Owlettes, I am moving into my next creative Daily Journal and decides to make funky journal cover using fibers! I was inspired by Megan over on Instagram at Creative Happy Handmade (Link below) I also wanted to incorporate an art piece so I made a copy of “Bluebonnet Love” on “Canvas Paper” This was soooo fun to make!!

Easter / Spring Journal Series~ Video 9 Creative Tags

Hello Owlettes, I hope everyone is doing wonderful!! In today’s video, I am making cluster tags to use as embellishments. These are great for using up bits and bobs of your supplies. I forgot to mention in the video but the tags I am using I dyed with food coloring. The pink was the best!

Thanks for watching and stay sparkly! Rebecca

Easter/ Spring Journal Series~ Video 8~ Adding Fluff and Fibers to your Journal

Hello Owlettes and Welcome back to another video in the Easter/ Spring Series/ Today we are fluffing up our journals with fibers… ribbon, yarn, material, and pom poms! I have to admit this is when journals really start taking on their own personality!! I hope you enjoy the video!! Thanks for being here and playing along with creating!

Stay Sparkly, Rebecca

Easter / Spring Journal Series~ Video 6 Create an Introduction Page

Hello, Owlettes!! I hope everyone is having a great week so far! In today’s video, I am creating an introduction page for my Easter/ Spring Journal. Love using scans of vintage finds in my journal, how about you? I am sharing some cute vintage handmade Barbie dresses I found several years back while Junkin! The printable mentioned is here:

Easter/ Spring Journal Series~ Video 5 ~ Little Golden Book Assembly

Hello Friends and welcome back to another video in the Easter/ Spring Journal Series. We are putting our Journal together. I’ve added all the pretty papers and now I am going to sew it up! Keep in mind, this is just one option in assembling your journal. You can always use a composition book or book rings to bind it together! Just remember to have fun! Happy Journaling! Rebecca

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