Welcome Back Owlettes! Next step in the Eater/ Spring journal making, creating tucks and folders. Super Simple and Fun and great for adding extra space for journaling! In the next Video we will be assembling! Stay Sparkly, Rebecca
Welcome Back Owlettes! Next step in the Eater/ Spring journal making, creating tucks and folders. Super Simple and Fun and great for adding extra space for journaling! In the next Video we will be assembling! Stay Sparkly, Rebecca
Welcome back to the 3rd video in the Easter/ Spring Journal Series. In this video I am selecting pretty papers to add to my Easter/ Spring Junk Journal. As mentioned in the video, the printable can be printed here:
Welcome back to the second Video in the Easter/ Spring Journal Series! In this video I am gathering Journal supplies and adding them to a train case in order to have everything in one spot. Thanks for watching! Stay Sparkly, Rebecca
Hello Owlettes~ Welcome to the first video in the Easter / Spring Journal Series! In this video, I am setting my desk up for Spring! The itinerary is located on my blog for the journal series. Also, stay tuned for another video later today. We will be gathering all of our supplies! See Below for the Itinerary:
If you are interested in purchasing a kit which includes a Little Golden Book, you can find them HERE
Have you heard of The 100 Day Project? Below is a link with more information. For my challenge, I am going to incorporate “My One Little Word” into the process: Recreate. I plan to document one thing, through my photo of how I am incorporating my word into my life. I am super excited to see what the next 100 days brings me!! Are you taking part in the challenge? I would love to hear what you are doing? https://the100dayproject.substack.com/about
Stay Sparkly, Rebecca
Hello Owlettes! So excited to bring you another Creative Hoots informative video. I am hoping you can help me make a decision on which Little Golden Book I should use as my journal for the upcoming Spring/ Easter Journal Series! By the way Starts Saturday, March 24th, 2023! Leave a comment below and let me know which one you would use!!
Thanks for watching and stay Sparkly, Rebecca
Hello Owlettes~ I am so excited to bring you a flip through of my Daily Creative Junk Journal. In this journal, I fill it with the day to day events. Some mundane and some super sparkly!! I hope to continue the process of showing you the final flip-through.
Mentioned in the videos: Calico Collage- https://www.etsy.com/shop/calicocollage
Patreon: Courtney Diaz Pocket Journal Pam
Stamperia Scrapbook Pages: https://amzn.to/3XFXSOG
Thanks for watching!! Stay Sparkly, Rebecca
Hello my Owlette Friends, and Happy Valentine’s Day!! I hope you are all having a super sparkly day. In this video, I created a page in my journal where I added many of the cards I received for the Annual Valentine Swap! So fun!! I received so many delicious paper goods to add to my journal. As I mentioned earlier, Valentines can be all year round with red, pink, and hearts!! I am also talking about documenting with the 100 Day Project, chatting about incorporating my One Little Word … how I am wanting to recreate my daily life and Romanize my life… picking one thing to do every day, and documenting through a photo?? Sounds fun right? More to Come as I hash out the details.
Stay Sparkly, Rebecca
Hello Owlettes~ Hello Sweet February! I always feel the first of the month is new beginnings! In today’s video, I am going over my journals, planners, and book stacks for February. I hope to start tracking, FINISH at least one book, and of course, keep my journal up to date!
As mentioned in video: Printables: https://www.etsy.com/listing/689491067/daily-habit-tracker-printable-habit Be Fearless Class with Shawna Clingerman (Sorry I could not think of the name of the class during the video) https://www.shawnaclingerman.com/
Have a super sparkly day, Rebecca
Hello Owlette friends, In today’s video, I’m setting up my creative daily journal for February!
If you are interested in the Monthly BBG Stickers, the link to the subscription is here: https://www.rebeccahoot.com/shop/monthly-stickers-group-big-brave-girl-bbg-sticker-set-and-cwr-sticker-club/
Or for a one-time purchase you can buy them here: https://www.rebeccahoot.com/shop/big-brave-girl-bbg-sticker-set-february-2023-set-number-26/
Happy Journaling! Rebecca Hoot
Order the latest CWR Kit! Dismiss