Tag Archives: creative documentation

Junk Journal with Me~ Adding Memories of Choosing Joy through Music

Hello Owlettes, Today’s video I am documenting a story from yesterday and going to my daughter’s band concert. They played a piece called Choosing Joy, it was an amazing piece.

Thanks for watching, Rebecca

Journal with Me~ Nancy Drew Tea January 25, 2023

Hello My Owlettes, In today’s video, I am putting together a [age from this past weekend when my daughter and I had a little tea to plan out the upcoming Nancy Drew Retreat. I also talk about the retreat in this video, in case you were wondering what the HOOT is it? 🙂

As mentioned in this video, I purchased the Nancy Drew Themed Printables here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1049948267/nancy-drew-printable-stationery-digital


Thanks for watching! Rebecca

My Fairy Tale Quote Journal~ Session 2

Hello Owlettes!! True Confession, the last time I did a video on “My Fairy Tale” Junk Journal was two years ago!! I am so happy to have found it and have added new quotes in this video. Here is the first video I made in 2020:


Thanks for watching!! Stay Sparkly! Rebecca

January 2023~ One Little Word: Recreate

Hello Owelettes, In this video I am showing my journal set up for my One Little Word! I have signed up for Ali Edward’s One Little Word Workshop. Each month a new prompt is available to help keep your word in your mind and heart.

Here is a link below to her workshop. https://aliedwards.com/one-little-word-2023

Thanks for watching! Rebecca

A Very Chatty Journal with Me~ January 2023

Hello Friends and welcome to the first Journal with Me video of 2023. I have to say I am quite a bit chatty in this video, blame in on the coffee 🙂 I’m playing in my Creative Daily Journal, getting the first of the year documented. I’m using my BBG January Stickers for the dates and numbers.

Can be found here: https://www.rebeccahoot.com/shop/big-brave-girl-bbg-sticker-set-january-2023-set-number-25/

As mentioned in the video: Calico Collage: https://www.etsy.com/shop/calicocollage Avery Glue Sticks: https://amzn.to/3k2GqpH Enchanted Book Club: https://enchantedbookclub.com/ Susan Branch: https://susanbranch.com/ Favorite Book: http://shopping.susanbranch.com/Marthas-Vineyard-Isle-of-Dreams-P3333C44.aspx

Creating a Vision Board~ Step 2~ Adding Images of Inspiration and Goals

Hello, again Friends! We are back with the second video in Building and creating a vision board. In this video, I am adding magazine clippings, printables, postcards, etc to add inspiration and goals to by vision board. This is such a fun step, you really begin to see your board take shape.

As mentioned in video: https://www.youtube.com/@theunexpectedgypsy

Introduction~ Creating a Vison Board

Hello Friends and welcome to the introduction to creating and building a vision board! In this video, I talk about the supplies needed and how to get started. This will be a video series, and I will be posting the steps over the next couple of days. Here is the supply list and printable:

Journal with me~ Documenting Gingerbread Week in my Creative Daily Journal

Hello friends! Welcome back to another video where I work on last week’s decorations and photos. I had fun for Gingerbread week and I hope you did too! Hope the upcoming week is full of happiness and sparkles! Rebecca

Gingerbread Week: Video 6~Gingerbread History Journal Page

Hello Friends! Welcome back to another video for Gingerbread Week. I recently came across a couple of very interesting articles about the History of Gingerbread, so I wanted to create a page in my journal with some FUN FACTS about Gingerbread.

Information taken from these two articles: https://www.marthastewart.com/1523540/gingerbread-holiday-history https://crimereads.com/the-surprisingly-dark-history-of-gingerbread/

Thank you for watching!

Girlfriends Around the World~ Augsburg, Bavaria Germany

Hello Friends! In today’s video I have interviewed Carolin from Augsburg, Bavaria Germany. We discuss Christmas Markets and what it is like living in her city. I am creating a page in my Christmas Journal and in my Girlfriends Around the World Journal! Thanks for watching!

Here is a link to my blog post for all the PRINTABLES…the beautiful artwork she created for us, the recipes, and neat information in her city.

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Order the latestCWR Kit!