Tag Archives: creative documentation

Step 7~Let’s add all the Feels with Fibers and Fluff

One of my most favorite things to add to my journals is all the fluff and fibers. Today’s video is a little show n tell of where I get my fibers and how I like to use them. What is your favorite fluff to add to your journals? Thanks, for watching, Rebecca

Step Six~ Different ideas for adding Tip-In’s to your Journal

Hello Friends, One of the questions I had was “What is a Tip?” I love tip in’s, they give you more room to write, add ephemera and make your journal more interactive. Thanks for watching, Rebecca

September Creative Journal Set up 2022

I am so thrilled for the month of September. Even though it will still be hot until late October I am pretending it’s cool and crisp and I’m ready for Pumpkin Everything and cozy vibes! How about you? In today’s video I am setting up my journal for the month of September! I think Fall is my most favorite of all! Thanks for watching!! Stay, sparkly, Rebecca

Step 5~ More ideas for adding backgrounds to your Journaling Pages

Hello Friends, In today’s avideo I am showing more ideas for adding backgrounds to your junk journal pages. We are all about making layers and adding all the fun things. In this video I show a few more ideas for adding that first layer using different art supplies, napkins and tissue paper. Anything goes in Junk Journaling! Be sure to check out the other videos in this series! Happy Journaling! Rebecca

Mentioned in video (Below)

Bingo Daubers can be found here: https://amzn.to/3e3QL1F

Never Hopeless Elizabeth: https://www.youtube.com/c/NeverHopelessbyElizabeth

Step 4~ Watercolor backgrounds in your Junk Journals

This is a short and simple video to show how I add watercolor backgrounds to my junk journals. I talk about the different paints and paintbrush I use. I hope this video is helpful in you are looking to add a bit of color and crinkliness to your journal pages!

Step Three~ Adding Decorated Papers to Junk Journal Pages

Welcome Back to another video in the Altered Composition book Junk Journal series! Today, I’m adding notepads, cardstock, single sided paper, all the good stuff to the interior pages! Let’s Use up our stash!

Step Two~ Creating your Cover for Altered Composition Book

Welcome back to step two in creating a super fun journal cover. This is an opportunity to really play and make your cover our own. Add pictures, words, stickers …whatever your heart desires. I do have printables of autumn and Halloween designs in my shop if you fancy having one for your cover!

Dream Junk Journal Entry~ Upcoming Bucket List Trip

Welcome back to another video. Today I am creating a fun page in my refurbished Betty Crocker Cookbook Junk Journal. I haven’t played in it in a while and I forgot how much I love this journal. I signed up yesterday for a crafty weekend in Maine! So excited, I will be joining Paula G and Kelly Bangs for a super fun weekend in October of 2023… yes plenty of time to plan! New England in October has been on my bucket list for years!

Happy dreamer, Rebecca

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