Tag Archives: creative documentation

Setting up a New Creative Daily Journal~ Mid Month

Hello! My current daily journal has come to an end in mid-July, so I need to create another. In this video, I take a composition notebook and make it my own. How else get excited about starting a new journal? Thanks for watching!!

Introduction: “All About Me” Journal Series

Hello and Welcome to the introduction and itinerary to the “All about Me” Journal series. You can print out the itinerary below. I mention a supply list and it is basically, your stash! Paper, paint, pom pom’s, glue, glitter, pipe cleaners… you get the idea!! This is a project to be creative and have fun! Bring out your inner child! No rules, just play!

Journal with Me~ Adding Traveling Postcards

Hello Friends!! Have you heard of Traveling Postcards? with Stickers? The BFF Sticker Club sells these postcards in their Etsy Shop and I thought it would be fun to send these out into the World and see what I got back. It was so fun, and I wanted to add them to my current journals. In this video, I show you how I add them. Mentioned in video: BFF Sticker Shop and CraftPunkCreate

Thanks for watching!! Rebecca

Summer Vacation Journal: I need a bigger Journal

Hello! I have missed you, it was a whirlwind month of June! I had the most amazing trip to DC and NY and took A LOT of photos…so many that I need a new journal! I have been watching different ways to create bigger journals using signatures. I wanted to keep the notebook I had created originally for the trip. Here is an interesting video of that process. Book binding idea came from Johanna’s video here

Week in the Life Introduction~ June 2022

This week I am participating in Ali Edward’s “Week in the Life” Project. Although I keep a daily journal, this will be more detailed and more photos of the everyday grind. In this video I’m creating my intro page and talking about how I plan to document this week! Thanks for watching, Rebecca

Girlfriends Around the World Journal Series~ Leeds, England; Journal with Dolly

Hello and Welcome Back to another video in the Girlfriends Around the World Journal Series! Today we are visiting Leeds, England, and Holly from Journal with Dolly is our tour guide. I hope you have a fun “virtual trip” exploring Leeds, England with me. Please be sure to visit Journal with Dolly on IG and YouTube for more inspiration. See below for the printables:

Thanks so much and we are off to Germany next!!!

Super Sparkly, Rebecca

Creative Hoots~ Journal Update Fun May 22, 2022

Hello Friends! It has been a while since I have posted a video! I have been in Strawberry Shortcake land and then planning out the Summer Journal series! BUT I am back and ready to play!!! I’m starting off this week with a Creative Hoots Journal update, and a little bit of what has been happening in my world! I also have a summer bucket list printable (see below):

Thanks for watching!! Super Sparkly, Rebecca

Girlfriends Around the World Journal Series~England

Hello Friends and Welcome back to another Girlfriends around the World video. If you are new to my channel WELCOME! This video series is traveling the world (virtually) and learning about different women around the world who love journaling, art, and other creativeness! Today we are heading over to England, but we will be traveling by boat and stopping by Jane Austen’s house museum. Thanks for watching!

Printables are below.

Girlfriends around the World Journal Series, Yellowknife Canada

Hello and welcome back to another video in the Girlfriends around the World Series!! We are visiting Yellowknife, Canada, the Capitol of the Northwestern Territories. Wow oh Wow!! So happy to have researched Yellowknife and THANK YOU Cathy Reid for introducing me to such a beautiful place! I hope you all have fun learning and meeting a new friend.

Mentioned in the video:

Love Lynn’s Life Washi

Aurora Village

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