Tag Archives: creative documentation

Girlfriends around the World Journal Series~ Quebec City, Canada

Welcome back to another “Girlfriends around the World Journal Series” Today we are visiting the beautiful Quebec City, Canada. I have interviewed, Julie known as ‘ThePaperPilgram” on IG. Please go and check out her beautiful journal pages. I was drawn to her journal style because of her art or writing. Here are the printables for our “virtual trip”

I did want to give a acknowledgment to the following for what to eat while I am in Quebec City:

Travel Bliss Now Quebec Foods to Try

11 Traditional Quebec Foods:

Vlog Episode 4~ February 2022 Daily Life and CWR Journal Kit Prep

Welcome back to another weekly Vlog! Having fun adding bits of life to these videos. This week was getting the Monthly CWR Journal Kits packaged and mailed. I actually ship in batches, so in this video you will see peeks into the process. I’ve also included some journaling in my creative daily journal! Thanks for watching! See you in my next one! Rebecca

2nd Annual Valentine Tea Party and Happy Mail

Hello and welcome to the second Annual Valentine Tea Party. In this video, I’m prepping and preparing for a Valentine Tea and then opening up and showing all my sweet Happy Mail I received for Valentines! Thanks for watching! XO, Rebecca

Prepping Pages for February’s Creative Journal~ with Papers, Stamping, Stickers

Hello and welcome back to another video! I have found when I prep my pages with dates and some decorations I have a tendency to “Keep Up” with the days… call it the fear of a white space! Who knows? I thought it would be fun to turn the camera on and show my process… truth is I filmed the first half but somehow deleted my video. So I’m filming the second half of the month. I hope you enjoy the video.

Thanks for watching!

Mentioned in video: Patreon~ Pamela Mahnke (Pocket Journal Pam)

Mindy Lacefield: Etsy (Smelly Stickers)

February 2022 Creative Journal Set Up

February 2022 Journal Set Up

Hello February!! Today’s video is all about setting up the introduction pages in my creative daily journal and my personal journal. As discussed in the video I found having the days set up with a bit of decoration and the date and day of the week helped keep me on track. Thanks for watching! Rebecca I mentioned two Patrons I follow and have used their printables in my pages: They also have youtube channels, be sure to check them out for more inspiration.

I mentioned two Patrons I follow and have used their printables in my pages: They also have youtube channels, be sure to check them out for more inspiration.

Pocket Journal Pam


Thanks For watching!!!

A Peek into my Favorite Journaling Writing Tools

Hello Friends!! I was asked the question about my favorite pens I like to journal with, so I thought I would create a video to show all my favorite writing tools. See video below. I would love to hear what your favorite writing tools are in your journal?

Girlfriends around the World Journal Series~ Mexico

Hola Amigas! (Practicing the little Spanish I know) Welcome back to another ‘Girlfriends around the World” Journal Series! Today we are visiting the colorful world of Mexico! I have interviewed Ms. Mariana Maya, she shares her time between San Jose California and Bucerias, Nayarit Mexico. I also wanted to share some of personal stories about the times I have visited and SHOPPED in Mexico. I hope you enjoy this video!

Creative Hoots Session 12~ Journal Talk, Crafty Haul, CWR Releases

Hello Friends! Welcome back to another Creative Hoots Chat! Today I’m talking journals…starting, finishing and a new addition. Also showing you my Little Craft Place Stationery Haul and the new CWR Journal kit and BBG Girl Release! Have a great weekend!

Creative Hoots Chat 11~ New Year, Upcoming Journals and New Goals

Hello. Welcome to another Creative Hoots Chat! The week between Christmas is New Years is a time to prepare and plan for the upcoming New Year! To be honest it’s one of my favorite times, as I set goals for the upcoming year.

Order the latest CWR Kit! Dismiss

Order the latestCWR Kit!