Tag Archives: creative documentation

Introduction to Documenting Nostalgic School Day Memories Video Series~ Bonus Video

Hello! Welcome to the first video in “Documenting Your Nostalgic School Day Memories” In this video I am showing you how I plan to document and the supplies I will be using. Everything is packed in my Magical Backpack! Also, below you will find a print out of the topics for the series. The Series will run August 9-15th! Each day we will also have a fun project to create and add to your journal/scrapbook/junk journal (however you are planning to document). Are you ready for some fun? Me too!!!

Printable file Below:

Nostalgic Summer Memories~ Video 6: Documenting Using TOUCH

Hello and welcome back to video number 6 in the Nostalgic Summer Memories Video Series. In this quick video I show you how I documented TOUCH with stories about family that has touched my life. I added photos and pictures of grandparents and stories from summer pasts. Thanks for watching!

Nostalgic Summer Memories~ Video 3: Documenting Using HEARING

Hello and welcome back to Nostalgic Summer memories using your senses. In today’s video number 3, I am showing a way to Document using your sense to hear. Music and television was a big part of our summer as a kid and in this video I show how I am documenting them. It’s very different then what it is now because once the good shows were over then boredom kicked in. Thankful for my sisters so I did have someone to play games and other activities. I created a pocket envelope and mini junk tag that resembles ice cream and the ice cream packaging.

The printable template for them is available on my blog under the post for this video.Hope you are inspired to create using the sense of hearing.

Ice Cream Envelope
Ice Cream Template

Thanks for watching and see you tomorrow when we talk about smell! Happy Creating, Rebecca

Creative Junk Journaling~ Video 9: Ephemera

Welcome back to Video number 9 in the Creative Junk Journaling Series. Let’s just say I could go on and on and decorate with ephemera. It is just so fun. I really didn’t know where to start because there is SO MUCH fun ephemera..old, new, vintage, colorful, shabby chic, retro… endless possibilities!

Creative Junk Journal~ Video 7: Texture

Hello and Welcome back to Video 7 in the Creative Junk Journal Series. In this video I’m adding ribbon, felt and different textures to my planners and journals. There is endless possibilities when it comes to creating with material and adding to your pages. I hope you are inspired to create with texture too!

Happy Journaling!

Creative Junk Journal Series- No.2 Layers

Hello and welcome back to video number 2 in the Creative Junk Journal Series. My plan in this series is to basically film different ways I like to journal. In this video it’s all about layers. The first half of the video is creating a page in my current March Junk Journal, it’s about staying home this week and the second half of the video is creating a divider page in an inspiration planner I am creating for an upcoming event. I hope you are inspired to create something magical and layered up!

Thanks for watching!!

Week in the Life Final Flip through May 2019

Hello! In this video I created a quick flip through of the traveler’s notebook I used to document my story with “A week in a Life” May 2019. Not familiar with A week in a life, please be sure to check out Ali Edward’s blog for more details. To sum up in a sentence, it’s taking a week in your life and documenting through words and photos. I have participated in this project for many years. It is one of my favorite. Thanks for watching and I hope you are inspired too!

Week in the Life May 2019~ Traveler Notebook Setup

Another year for ‘A week in a Life’ project, I absolutely love this project and documenting “a week in a life” In this quick video I show you my set up to document and record this upcoming week. This is a project created by Edwards. Please check her website additional information and the printables at www.aliedwards.com.

Happy Memory Keeping Planner (Life at a Glance)February 2019

Yay! I was so excited when y’all requested a “plan with me”  video to show my process for Memory keeping in my Happy Planner! Or as I call it Life at a Glance! I call I hope this helps you in your journey in documenting. Also, this has spiked my imagination and thought how fun it would be to show different artsy ways to create and save memories! So stayed tuned for more videos!

Thanks for watching! Rebecca

February “Love Letters” Printable

February is right around the corner with all it’s pinks, reds, hearts and of course chocolate. Growing up I LOVED February for just this reason… Valentines Day. I can still see a visual of me sitting on the bus with my box of valentines ready to be handed out to my classmates. I also remember making valentine boxes out of shoeboxes and paper plates and hang for all your friends to fill with cards. Then I became a teenager and a young adult and experienced having a NON-romantic boyfriend during Valentines and I remember breaking up with this boyfriend because he did absolutely NOTHING for this special date meant for LOVE. I also remember working in an office environment feeling less love because everyone else in the office received a large bouquet of flowers and my desk sat blah with NO flowers, chocolate or love notes. Now that I’m older and wiser (wink, wink) I do not put so much emphases on receiving Valentines to make me feel important or loved. Now, I enjoy the hearts and all the pinks and reds for the fun and LOVE of it all. So in the midst of the season to spread love I wanted to share one of my girls “Love Letters” with you. Print on sticker sheet or cardstock and cut! ENJOY!! Happy February! Happy Hearts and Happy Valentines Day! ~ Rebecca Hoot

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