Tag Archives: creative documentation

July 2024- Creative Daily Journal Set-up

Hello Owlettes,

Welcome back to another video, setting up my creative daily journal for the month of July! We are in the dog days of summer, so I am going to continue to fill my journal up with creativity ad positivity! I’ve heard of cabin fever in winter for up north, is there a cabin fever for summer? Although I will eb creating a stand alone journal for the Wizard of Oz Camp I will continue to create in my daily journal as well, capturing the day to day. So excited to start Camp tomorrow. As mentioned in the video, you can find the printable here:https://www.rebeccahoot.com/2024/06/rebecca-hoot-camp-wizard-of-oz-printables/

Journal with Me~ Documenting with Ephemera from a Weekend Event

Hello, Owlettes. Hope everyone is doing great! We had a fun and busy weekend. One of the interesting things I did was part of the 50 before 51 goals, to see a live performance. I love anything artsy and this was a one-woman show with quilting stories. She played three different characters from women of the past. All stories had one thing in common, quilts. Of course, as a memory keeper, I am always looking for ephemera so I picked up a postcard and bookmark. In this video, I am documenting using this ephemera in my creative daily journal.

Thanks for watching, Rebecca

Popsicle Love~ Printable and Best Summer Ever Junk Tag~ Summer Scent

Hello Owlettes,

The first entry in my “Best Summer Ever’ Junk Tag. Taking a prompt from the book “Romanticize your Life” I am documenting my favorite body scent of the season. It’s from Bath and Body Works called Firecracker Pop! Sweet and Summer, Also, i have a free printable of this Popsicle Art below! Happy Journaling!

Best Summer Ever~ Junk Journal Tag Tutorial~ Video 1 Set-up

Hello Owlettes, Welcome to the Best Summer Ever~ Junk Journal Tag Set-up. I created this CUTE FUNKY JUNKY Tag to document the Best Summer EVER, this is part of my Romanticizing my life in making the everyday special! I plan to use my senses as part of this project. Smells, taste, hear, see, and all the FEELS! Let’s Play!!!

Stay Sparkly, Rebecca

June 2024 ~ Creative Daily Journal Set Up

Hello Owlettes! I hope everyone is having a great change in seasons. It is summer here in the States and I working hard to make this the best summer ever!! I want to make lots of memories and of course, document as I go! This sentence makes me laugh considering I am a few days behind in creating my introduction page. Well, I’m off to pack up the kits for the Upcoming Camp OZ, as in the Wizard of Oz. If you were unable to purchase a kit now worries, please join in on the fun of Camp! Camp will be open to everyone and all videos posted here on YouTube: RebeccaHoot

Thanks for watching my friends! Stay Sparkly! Rebecca

50 before 51~ Making Goals for the Year to Come

Hello my Lovely Owlettes~ I am so excited to start a journey of setting goals and getting things accomplished this year. As I have mentioned in my last video, I wanted to create a list to celebrate turning 50! Setting a year in motion to accomplish things, having fun, and setting up goals! So let’s GO!!! Here is the first video setting up my journal!! I wanted to share a free printable to celebrate my birthday month! You can find it on my blog here:

A6 Inserts on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C2BMYGYZ?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details

Thanks for watching! Rebecca

Creative Daily Journal~ Wrapping up May 2024

Hello Owlettes! Wrapping up the month of May! WOW What a month!! Now here we move into the summer months. I am really enjoying having my pages set for the day, I am finding I am more successful in journaling daily when I can sit with my journal and create in steps/ moments. I hope you enjoy the video and are inspired to document your story!

Thanks for watching! Rebecca

Making a Funky Junky Charm from Ephemera ~Using a Disposable Ice Cream Spoon

Hello Owlettes, I mentioned in my last video about taking a spoon from the Frozen Yogurt place and making it into a “Charm ephemera” I got the idea to collect “little things” and add them to make a journal to make a funky junky charm. The charm actually tells your story as well. When we were on our trip to Mississippi, we ate at a Frozen Yogurt Place called YAYA’s so I kept the spoon to add it to my journal. I punched a hole using my Crop-A-Dile, wrote the ice cream shop name and city, and tied it with a ribbon. I actually love how it turned out!

Thanks for watching!!! Stay Sparkly! Rebecca

Journal with Me~ Documenting a Road Trip to Mississippi

Hello Owlettes, Welcome back to another video! I have to say I’m really happy and excited to be keeping up with my May Journal pages even with the busy life we have been having! In today’s video, I am documenting our road trip to Mississippi, lots of tip-in’s used in this journal entry! Mentioned in this video: Crinkling binding-Scrap Cabin Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/MyScrapCabinShop

Thanks for watching! Rebecca

Creative Daily Journal- May 2024 Week Three Set Up

Hello Owlettes! I’ve missed you!! Life has been so busy but wonderful! More videos coming with all the things! I have so much ephemera to add to my journal from the recent trip we took to watch my son graduate from college!! YES!! In today’s video, I am setting up this week for journaling, adding dates and page starters. So let’s play!!

Order the latest CWR Kit! Dismiss

Order the latestCWR Kit!