Tag Archives: creative documentation

Mother’s Day Printable

Hello Owlettes! I wanted to create and share a printable for you to celebrate Mother’s Day. I know this holiday can be happy and sad all at the same time, but I hope you do get to fit some creativity in! See the file below to print.

May 2024 Creative Daily Journal Set-up

Hello May!! Welcome Welcome to another monthly journal entry! Here we are approaching the summer months, half way through the year almost… time flies so let’s have fun and document along the way!! Mentioned in this video: https://www.youtube.com/@thriftyday

Thanks for watching, Rebecca

Crafty Creative Journal Play~ “Winnie the Pooh Charm”

Hello Crafty Owlettes, Working on the Winnie the Pooh Prompts and making something fun using bits from the Winnie the Pooh kit, I am making a fun little charm to add to my journal. I’m using a Pooh Image and a wooden round ornament piece. I hope you are inspired to play too! Thanks for watching, Rebecca

Chatty Journal with Me~ Setting up my Journal for Winnie the Pooh Week

Hello Owlette Friends! So happy you are here with me today. I just am chatting away and setting up my journal for this week’s Journal prompts and Winnie the Pooh! Excited for you to play along! The prompt printable can be found here: https://www.rebeccahoot.com/2024/04/winnie-the-pooh-week-prompt-ideas-april-2024/

Let’s have a super sparkly Winnie the Poohish Week!!

Thanks for watching, Rebecca

IG: Rebeccahoot

Winnie the Pooh Week Prompt Ideas-April 2024

Hello Owlette Friends, I have had this idea in my head for a while and I’ve finally sat down and made it happen! I love Winnie the Pooh and from the sales of the Winnie the Pooh CWR (Create with Rebecca) Kits, you all love him too. I think the 100 Acres friends are full of friendship, love and kindness! I had the idea of crating a Winnie the Pooh week, little prompts to celebrate POOH and Friends! I have created a printout and plan to create video throughput the week using the prompts as a guide! Print your prompts out here:

April 2024~ Creative Daily Journal Set-Up

Hello Owlettes, The beginning of each month is so important to me when setting up my journal. I have learned it just sets me up for success in the month!It sets the tone to start the month, and not get behind. I hope you enjoy the video. The large girl-sticker can be found in my shop: https://www.rebeccahoot.com/shop/big-brave-girl-sticker-set-april-2024-set-number-40/

Thanks for watching, Rebecca

Journal with Me~ Creative Daily Journal April Set-up

Hello Friends and Hello April, I just love the beginning of the months! Love starting a new chapter so to speak in my journal! I love that I am setting goals using photos to set goals. This month one of the things I want to complete is a creating Fairy Garden!! Also, setting up a calendar to add stickers daily. I explain more in the video! Thanks for watching! Rebecca

Journal with Me~ A Skunk Story

Hello Owlette Friends!! I hope everyone is getting ready for a wonderful Easter. It’s been a week and an interesting one. I had to share this journal story involving Poky and a Skunk! Thank you for watching and stay sparkly!! Rebecca

Journal with Me~ What is your Unicorn Name?

Hello my Owlet friends! I hope everyone is doing well!! I miss you all dearly, but I am experiencing a lot of “This is the last time…” with my daughter graduating from high school and the days are zooming by!! Recently my daughter bought these Fun Lisa Frank Unicorn Cookies and on the back of the package was giving yourself a unicorn name using your first name and the month you were born!! So fun!

I am sharing the back of the box above. So what is your Unicorn Name? Also here is a free printable of unicorn artwork I created a while back!

Also, I’m using new Gouache Paints I ordered off Amazon, you can find them here. They are messy Fun! https://www.amazon.com/sspa/click?ie=UTF8&spc=MTo2MTUzNDY1MzAwMDAyMDgwOjE3MTEwMTc4MzE6c3BfZGV0YWlsX3RoZW1hdGljOjIwMDAyNzI1MjA0MzE0MTo6Ojo&url=%2Fdp%2FB084WW3L93%2Fref%3Dsspa_dk_detail_6%3Fpsc%3D1%26pd_rd_i%3DB084WW3L93%26pd_rd_w%3D1t57H%26content-id%3Damzn1.sym.a53ea610-e450-44d1-897e-68c0c718bf50%26pf_rd_p%3Da53ea610-e450-44d1-897e-68c0c718bf50%26pf_rd_r%3DMX4YP0HZ8NDE9JBJZF0K%26pd_rd_wg%3D7ybv7%26pd_rd_r%3D50e81b4b-5920-4bd6-9843-c73ef74c519f%26s%3Dhi%26sp_csd%3Dd2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWxfdGhlbWF0aWM

Thanks for watching, Rebecca

Journal with Me~ March Creative Daily Journal

Hello Owlette Friends~ Playing of bit of Creative Daily Journal Catch-up in today’s video! I’ve been so busy with Spring Cleaning and organizing I haven’t been journaling. AND I miss it dearly. So let’s play a little catch-up! Thanks for watching! Rebecca

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Order the latestCWR Kit!