Tag Archives: creative documentation

March 2024 Creative Daily Journal Set-Up

Hello Owlette Friends! What?? How can it be so far into March?? I have been Spring Cleaning…. a long overdue cleaning and decorating!! This means everything else is put on the back burner, but I miss journaling. I have glued and printed some pictures but time has been zip a di do da away!! No worries let’s play!!

Mentioned in the video is these Peter Rabbit Printables on Etsy. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1043216417/peter-rabbit-deluxe-junk-journal-kit

Thanks for watching! Rebecca

Create a Whimsical Book Page Marker for Your Journal

Hello Owlettes! I hope everyone is doing well!! We created this project this past weekend at the Valentine Play All Day Event. My dear friend Nancy Jo gave me one over the Christmas holiday and it was the perfect little project for the Valentine event. So let’s PLAY!!

XO, Rebecca

A Very Chatty Journal with Me~ Valentine Pocket

Hello Owlettes! Here we are in February! Yay bring me all the reds and pinks! In this video I wanted to bring you along from a beginning to end of a journaling page. So grab your journal and favorite beverage and let’s play!! Stay Sparkly, Rebecca

February 2024~ Creative Daily Journal Set-Up

Hello my Lovely Owlettes~ Welcome to the month of LOVE!!! I do love this month with all the reds, pink and hearts. Let’s be kind and love one another!! Let our lights shine!! I’, setting up my Journal for the month, come journal with me! I’m using stickers from my shop, each is a subscription or the BBG stickers are available to purchase separately.

Find out details here: https://www.rebeccahoot.com/shop/subscription-monthly-cwr-sticker-club/ https://www.rebeccahoot.com/product-category/sticker-club-stickers/

Email me at createwithrebecca@gmail.com   if you have questions.

Stay Sparkly, Rebecca

Daily Creative Journal- January Catch-Up

Hello Owlettes~ How can this be the end of January! One of my goals for 2024 is to keep up the WRITING in my creative daily journal. When I get behind on documenting, what I have found that works for me is to create in steps. So I am creating corners with dates and printing pictures, the next step is writing, then finishing off with markers, stickers and FUN!

Mentioned in the video: Courtney Diaz https://www.youtube.com/@LittleRavenInk https://www.etsy.com/shop/MyPorchPrint Pocket Journal Pam

Thanks for Watching, Rebecca

Fairytale Journal~ Documenting a A Red Letter Day

Hello Owlettes! Playing in my fairytale journal and documenting a “Red Letter Day’ we had during this winter storm. I first heard of a Red Letter Day when I read Susan Branch’s Book. I explain more in the video.

Thanks for watching and stay Sparkly, Rebecca

Creative Daily Junk Journal~ January 3-4, 2024

Hello Owelettes! Welcome back to another chatty Creative Daily journal video! In this video, I do talk about the new LIVE cam I have discovered on YouTube at one of my FAVORITE Covered Bridges in Waitsfield, Vermont.

Here is the link to view the covered bridge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTpd5LSRO-0

I hope you love it as much as I do! Stay Sparkly, Rebecca

Commonplace Journal- One Little Word 2024

Hello Owlettes, Happy January 3, 2024! How has your New Year started out? I hope it has been everything you have dreamed. I am actually feeling quite calm in the sense that I’m starting slow, not really by choice since I have been sick, but now I am embracing the slow start. I am working on completing tasks when I start them. My worst trait is to start too many things before moving to something else. Not this year, I am working hard to romanticize and enjoy each moment.

Stay Sparkly, Rebecca

January 2024 Creative Daily Junk Journal

Hello Owlettes, Happy New Year!! I love new beginnings and I am ready for 2024, I want to live each day to the fullest!! As a journaler, that means making my journal a everyday habit and confidant. I plan to change things up a bit and January is the perfect time to get cozy and curl up with a hot cup of coffee or tea, markers, pen, ephemera stickers, and my journal! Sounds wonderful doesn’t it? In today’s video I am setting up my journal for January using a new Winter wonderland Printable and the large BBG Girl Sticker Sheets! You Can find them in my shop here: https://www.rebeccahoot.com/shop/winter-wonderland-art-piece-download/ https://www.rebeccahoot.com/shop/big-brave-girl-sticker-set-january-2024-set-number-37/

Thank you for watching!! Stay Sparkly! Rebecca

Mrs. Claus “Fun and Frugal” Paper Pen Craft

Hello Owlettes, Recently I went to a craft fair in a quaint little town close to me and was happy to find a Journal craft table. She had these fun little handmade pens you could slip into your journal/ planner that are pens but made using paper. I thought they were so fun and cute, so here is a quick video of how to make them. P.S. Printable from https://paperpippi.com/ Thanks for watching! Rebecca

Order the latest CWR Kit! Dismiss

Order the latestCWR Kit!