Tag Archives: document

Fairy Tale Journal~ Visiting the Robert Frost Museum

Hello Owlettes, I hope everyone is doing well. I have been wanting to play in my fairytale journal for some time now and visiting the Robert Frost Museum gave me the perfect opportunity to write my favorite poem. Thanks for watching! Stay Sparkly Owlettes!

October 2024 Creative Daily Junk Journal Set-Up

Hello Owlettes! It’s October!!! My creative daily journal is all set up for documenting! Grab a cup of your favorite beverage and journal with me… embarrassing story included! Thanks for watching! Let’s have a super Sparkly Month!! Xo, Rebecca

Flip Through-Autumn Junk Journals

Hello Owlettes, This past week I was at a retreat and I played and created in my journals all weekend! It was so relaxing and I got quite a bit done. I worked in my cuurent creative daily Junk Journal, created my October Junk Journal and added bits to my travel junk journal. Also, I completed the travel journal from last year’s New England trip. (I will do a flip- through once I complete the writing). I also created a fun tassel and angel charm (which I forgot to show you in this video). Here is a flip-through of what I created. Thanks for watching!! Stay Sparkly! Rebecca

Rebecca Hoot Printables found here: https://www.rebeccahoot.com/2024/09/creating-a-travel-journal-for-new-england-trip/

Journal with Me~ Creating a Dream Life Vision Board

Hello Owlettes, Welcome back to another video. Today’s video is inspired by Martina Calvi’s prompt on creating a vision board spread in your journal that captures your dreams and goals. I love this idea and created a vision board of how I see my day when I can be a full time creative entrepreneur. I love this process and really do feel that having something visual can help in achieving those goals.

As mentioned in the video: Martinia Calvi on Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/martinamartian/ Martinia Clavi’s book:https://amzn.to/3SML75o

Background page design from Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1755944882/august-2024-journal-kit-journal-prompts

Canon Selphy Printer for Photos: https://amzn.to/3M5enAD

Pinterest Board for Bag Charms: https://www.pinterest.com/rebeccahoot1/bag-trinket-charms/

Thanks for watching!!! Stay Sparkly, Rebecca

July 2024- Creative Daily Journal Set-up

Hello Owlettes,

Welcome back to another video, setting up my creative daily journal for the month of July! We are in the dog days of summer, so I am going to continue to fill my journal up with creativity ad positivity! I’ve heard of cabin fever in winter for up north, is there a cabin fever for summer? Although I will eb creating a stand alone journal for the Wizard of Oz Camp I will continue to create in my daily journal as well, capturing the day to day. So excited to start Camp tomorrow. As mentioned in the video, you can find the printable here:https://www.rebeccahoot.com/2024/06/rebecca-hoot-camp-wizard-of-oz-printables/

Journal with Me~ Documenting with Ephemera from a Weekend Event

Hello, Owlettes. Hope everyone is doing great! We had a fun and busy weekend. One of the interesting things I did was part of the 50 before 51 goals, to see a live performance. I love anything artsy and this was a one-woman show with quilting stories. She played three different characters from women of the past. All stories had one thing in common, quilts. Of course, as a memory keeper, I am always looking for ephemera so I picked up a postcard and bookmark. In this video, I am documenting using this ephemera in my creative daily journal.

Thanks for watching, Rebecca

Mother’s Day Printable

Hello Owlettes! I wanted to create and share a printable for you to celebrate Mother’s Day. I know this holiday can be happy and sad all at the same time, but I hope you do get to fit some creativity in! See the file below to print.

Journal with Me~ Creative Daily Journal April Set-up

Hello Friends and Hello April, I just love the beginning of the months! Love starting a new chapter so to speak in my journal! I love that I am setting goals using photos to set goals. This month one of the things I want to complete is a creating Fairy Garden!! Also, setting up a calendar to add stickers daily. I explain more in the video! Thanks for watching! Rebecca

Journal with Me~ A Skunk Story

Hello Owlette Friends!! I hope everyone is getting ready for a wonderful Easter. It’s been a week and an interesting one. I had to share this journal story involving Poky and a Skunk! Thank you for watching and stay sparkly!! Rebecca

Journal with Me~ What is your Unicorn Name?

Hello my Owlet friends! I hope everyone is doing well!! I miss you all dearly, but I am experiencing a lot of “This is the last time…” with my daughter graduating from high school and the days are zooming by!! Recently my daughter bought these Fun Lisa Frank Unicorn Cookies and on the back of the package was giving yourself a unicorn name using your first name and the month you were born!! So fun!

I am sharing the back of the box above. So what is your Unicorn Name? Also here is a free printable of unicorn artwork I created a while back!

Also, I’m using new Gouache Paints I ordered off Amazon, you can find them here. They are messy Fun! https://www.amazon.com/sspa/click?ie=UTF8&spc=MTo2MTUzNDY1MzAwMDAyMDgwOjE3MTEwMTc4MzE6c3BfZGV0YWlsX3RoZW1hdGljOjIwMDAyNzI1MjA0MzE0MTo6Ojo&url=%2Fdp%2FB084WW3L93%2Fref%3Dsspa_dk_detail_6%3Fpsc%3D1%26pd_rd_i%3DB084WW3L93%26pd_rd_w%3D1t57H%26content-id%3Damzn1.sym.a53ea610-e450-44d1-897e-68c0c718bf50%26pf_rd_p%3Da53ea610-e450-44d1-897e-68c0c718bf50%26pf_rd_r%3DMX4YP0HZ8NDE9JBJZF0K%26pd_rd_wg%3D7ybv7%26pd_rd_r%3D50e81b4b-5920-4bd6-9843-c73ef74c519f%26s%3Dhi%26sp_csd%3Dd2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWxfdGhlbWF0aWM

Thanks for watching, Rebecca

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