Tag Archives: journaling

My Story Journal Prompt~ “My Favorite Spot”

Hello Owlettes, Welcome to another video in the ” My Story Journal Prompt”, today’s video is documenting about your favorite spot. I am using the prompt to document someplace near and someplace far. What are some of your favorite spots?

Hope you love this video. Stay Sparkly, Rebecca

My Story Journal Prompt~ Where were you born?

Hello Owlettes! I hope everyone is doing well! I’m back with another prompt in the “My Story” year-long series. Today I am documenting “Where I was born” but moving that into “Where I was raised” and fun facts about it. I hope you are joining in on the fun! I have prompts for tis month available and then each month I will introduce a few more. At the end of the year, your journal will be filled with your Story! You can find the first prompts here: https://www.rebeccahoot.com/2024/12/january-journal-your-story/ Thanks for watching, Rebecca

Journal with Me~ Give me all the Socks

Hello Owlettes! Hope everyone is safe and staying warm. Today’s video is playing in my personal journal. This is my journal I plan to write, play, decorate, add all things. Today I am documenting my love for socks and finding these adorable Bambi socks at our Dollar Store. Thanks for watching! Rebecca

January “Journal Your Story”

The month of December’s CWR Journal Kit is all about telling your story. I have created a list of journal prompts to kick off the New Year in your journal. Each month I will include additional prompts to add to your journal. I hope to have prompts that you may not typically journal about, but tell your story. I will be posting a kick-off video soon.

Mrs. Claus Christmas Fun~ Junk Journal Cover

Hello Sparkly Owlettes! I feel like the movie “Elf” when he runs into his dad’s office and yells “I’m in Love, I’m in Love” because I am in LOVE with this journal cover I created for my next creative daily journal. I would call it a December Daily but I try to document daily every day of the year! So fun!! Thanks for watching! Rebecca

Christmas Journal 2024~ Junk Journal Assembly

Hello Sparkly Owlettes, Welcome back to the Mrs. Claus Creative Christmas Video Series. It took me a couple days to figure out what journal I wanted to use. This is such a special time of the year and I want to make sure I have the right journal to document it. 🙂 I am assembling my journal in this video and will be creating the cover next. Anyone else feeling the Christmas Season in their bones?? Book Binding kit here: https://amzn.to/403WMkR Thanks for watching, Rebecca

Fairy Tale Journal~ Visiting the Robert Frost Museum

Hello Owlettes, I hope everyone is doing well. I have been wanting to play in my fairytale journal for some time now and visiting the Robert Frost Museum gave me the perfect opportunity to write my favorite poem. Thanks for watching! Stay Sparkly Owlettes!

DIY Christmas Planner 2024~ Plan with me

Hello Owlettes, It’s time to get organized for the upcoming season. This is something I have done for years to help me stay organized. This little spiral will be going in my bag and checked throughout the season. There are a few DIY Planners sets in the shop.

Thanks for watching and Stay Sparkly! Rebecca

October 2024 Creative Daily Junk Journal Set-Up

Hello Owlettes! It’s October!!! My creative daily journal is all set up for documenting! Grab a cup of your favorite beverage and journal with me… embarrassing story included! Thanks for watching! Let’s have a super Sparkly Month!! Xo, Rebecca

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Order the latestCWR Kit!