Tag Archives: journaling

2019 December Daily Junk Journal and Planner Set-up

Let the Merry Making begin! So excited to start the journaling and planning for the most wonderful time of the year. I have kept a December Daily Journal for many years now and it has become one of my favorite projects. Let the Merry Making begin! So excited to start the journaling and planning for the most wonderful time of the year I have kept a December Daily Journal for many years now and it has become one of my favorite projects. This is a project created by Ali Edwards and as she has said before the joy of this project is there is a beginning and an end. I have learned over the years the best way for me to be successful at this project is to be prepared which means prepping. In this video I show you how I prep for the upcoming holiday season. I will be using a Little Golden Book for documenting my December Daily Junk Journal style and a Cahier size Traveler’s Notebook for my personal journal. I also show you my Christmas Planner which I use to keep everything in to do lists. I hope you are inspired! I will be creating several videos for the Junk journal your Christmas 2019 so stay tuned! Follow me on Instagram and Facebook at Rebeccahoot for more peeks! Thanks for watching!!

Thanks for watching!!

Create with Me~ November’s Junk Journal Set-Up

Hello and Hello November!!! In this video I demonstrate how I create a Junk Journal from the Rebecca Hoot Everyday Journals. These journals are available in the shop, they are created with artwork prints and filled with 28 lb paper. For the past year I have been using these as my monthly junk journal and I thought I would show you how I make them. I basically select different cardstock, book pages, sheet music etc cut, fold and add to the current blank pages inside. Super fun way to personalize them. I hope you are inspired to create one today!

October Journal Page 2019~ Week at a Glance

Hello!  In today’s video I show a little something new I have been experimenting in my journal. So many times I do not have time to write full blown journal pages but I want to capture the days using one sentence or possibly a significant date (birthdays, anniversaries). I have started to create “a week at a glance” in my Cahier size Junk Journal. I use a combination of stickers, stamps and ephemera to set the week. Once the week is set I use the next pages in my journal for writing more details and adding photos and ephemera. I hope you are inspired to create in your journal today!

Thanks for watching! Rebecca

Traveler’s Notebook Creative Journal Flip Through Feb./March 2019

Hello! In this video I show a flip through of my creative journal for the month’s of February and March 2019. I’m using journals from my shop featuring my artwork in a Cahier Size. Loving the process of journaling everyday!

Week in the Life May 2019~ Traveler Notebook Setup

Another year for ‘A week in a Life’ project, I absolutely love this project and documenting “a week in a life” In this quick video I show you my set up to document and record this upcoming week. This is a project created by Edwards. Please check her website additional information and the printables at www.aliedwards.com.

April Printable~ Vintage Hankies

Seriously love vintage handkerchiefs! When I saw these a couple of weekends ago in Warrenton at the Trade Days for one dollar, I have to pick them up! How sweet are the embroidered flowers? Perfect for scanning in and using as ephemera in your journal or planner! I wanted to share and I  hope you enjoy them too!

Rainy Day CWR Kit

I love Rainy Days! I enjoy the days of slow and steady rain to replenish the earth and if a rainbow appears that is just the icing on the cake. One of the first kits I created back when I first started the CWR kit’s was this sweet Rainy Day Girl. It was time for a comeback! I hope you love all the carefully selected items of happiness in this kit! This kit was so much fun to put together! Each item is carefully selected and assembled to match a perfect little kit just for you or to send to a dear friend to enjoy! A special side note, there are prints available of the art work to create this kit.

This kit was so well received and sold out within the day! Wow I am so grateful and happy that there are others that love Rainy Days as much as I do! Thank you to everyone that purchased the kit!

Stayed tuned for next month’s kit! Reveal April 15th!

XO, Rebecca

March Printable~ Vintage Parasol Girl for Junk Journals

Don’t you just love vintage paper stationery? I love these ladies dressed in their long dresses, puffed sleeves and parasols. I have had these beauties for a while and recently found them again while I was unpacking, they were originally a set of boxed vintage cards. I think they will work perfectly for junk journals, and paper crafts. I wanted to share them as a free printable so you can enjoy them too!

Enjoy, Rebecca

Everyday Journal Traveler’s Notebook Flip Through No.1

Hello! As part of my goal for 2019, I wanted to start journaling again every single day. I use to be so diligent about keeping up with my journal but life gets busy and then several days go by, then weeks and before you know it months. I wanted to fill these journals with stories while adding pictures and ephemera. Here is a flip through of my first completed journal. I can’t express how excited I am and glad I have made this commitment.

Happy Memory Keeping Planner (Life at a Glance)February 2019

Yay! I was so excited when y’all requested a “plan with me”  video to show my process for Memory keeping in my Happy Planner! Or as I call it Life at a Glance! I call I hope this helps you in your journey in documenting. Also, this has spiked my imagination and thought how fun it would be to show different artsy ways to create and save memories! So stayed tuned for more videos!

Thanks for watching! Rebecca

Order the latestCWR Kit!