Tag Archives: traveler’s notebook

My Planning System 2024-2025~ Traveler’s Notebook and Composition Book Style

Hello Owlettes, This past weekend I hosted and attended a Planner Play and Learn Event at Little Craft Place in the Houston Area. I love learning about other people’s planning systems because I am always aiming to be more organized. I am always feeling rushed and I feel like if I had a planning system in place I would be much more efficient, don’t you think? With this being said I have been working on a system for myself. I thought I would share what I am currently using and a little show-n-tell of my goodies i purchased this last weekend.

Thanks for watching! Rebecca

Creative Junk Journaling-Adding Frosting aka Fun Accessories

Hello and welcome back to the final video for the Creative Junk Journaling Series. Please note, I will be having many more videos showing different ways that I Junk Journal, but this video completes this series! I hope you have been inspired and wanted to create something fun for your planner or journal. In this video I am jazzing up my Traveler’s Notebook with all things shiny and bright. I have moved into my Strawberry Shortcake TN for my Birthday Month and wanted to add my favorite FROSTING!

Traveler’s Notebook from JennifulCreations on Etsy; Charms from Preppy Planner Cat on Etsy

Thanks for watching and see you in my next video!

Creative Junk Journaling~ Video 8: Paint

Hello and welcome to video number 8… the wonderful glorious PAINT!! I have to say using paint in my journals is one of my favorite techniques! In this video I paint a girl for the current times…staying home.

I always love creating different images, no two are ever the same. I hope you are inspired to paint too!

Happy Journaling! Rebecca

Creative Junk Journal Series- No.3 April Traveler’s Notebook Set-Up

Hello and welcome back to the Creative Junk Journal Series No. 3. In this Video I show you my monthly routine of setting up the “Journal of the Month” In this case it is April. I show you a few techniques for securing an extra thick journal and adding a pocket page protector for additional pockets to add sparkle to your journal. This is one of my favorite things to do each month. To create and start a new journal! it’s like having a new beginning. Thanks so much for following along in this series, I hope you are inspired to CREATE!

Thanks, for watching! Rebecca

2020 Planner / Journal All-in-One Setup Traveler’s Notebook

Hello and Hello 2020!!! I’m going to try a different route for planning and keeping my journal this year. I’m going to be using my Traveler’s Notebooks for it all. I have kept a ring bound planner for the past several years but also carried a TN for my journals. To keep with my new word…PURPOSE …I’m wanting to journal and plan with a clear define purpose. To be organized and less bulk. So here to a New year and a New planning system. In this video I am using Traveler Notebook covers by: The Pink Cow Boutique (Black with Colorful Trees) Etsy Pink Peter Rabbit Cover (Marie Lee Crafts) Etsy Inserts by Yellow Paper House and Myself.

2019 December Daily Junk Journal and Planner Set-up

Let the Merry Making begin! So excited to start the journaling and planning for the most wonderful time of the year. I have kept a December Daily Journal for many years now and it has become one of my favorite projects. Let the Merry Making begin! So excited to start the journaling and planning for the most wonderful time of the year I have kept a December Daily Journal for many years now and it has become one of my favorite projects. This is a project created by Ali Edwards and as she has said before the joy of this project is there is a beginning and an end. I have learned over the years the best way for me to be successful at this project is to be prepared which means prepping. In this video I show you how I prep for the upcoming holiday season. I will be using a Little Golden Book for documenting my December Daily Junk Journal style and a Cahier size Traveler’s Notebook for my personal journal. I also show you my Christmas Planner which I use to keep everything in to do lists. I hope you are inspired! I will be creating several videos for the Junk journal your Christmas 2019 so stay tuned! Follow me on Instagram and Facebook at Rebeccahoot for more peeks! Thanks for watching!!

Thanks for watching!!

October Traveler’s Notebook Set-Up

October Jouranl Set-up

Hello!!! I’m so happy to be back making videos! Not sure what has kept me from making them except maybe a little 4 legged sausage dog name POKY!! Ha! I wanted to hop on and show you my October Traveler’s Notebook Journal set up. I was hoping to show the construction of my journal BUT the month was starting before I had a chance to shoot this video. So I created this flip through for now. Next month I will demonstrate how I put my monthly journals together!

Traveler’s Notebook Creative Journal Flip Through Feb./March 2019

Hello! In this video I show a flip through of my creative journal for the month’s of February and March 2019. I’m using journals from my shop featuring my artwork in a Cahier Size. Loving the process of journaling everyday!

Rainy Day CWR Kit

I love Rainy Days! I enjoy the days of slow and steady rain to replenish the earth and if a rainbow appears that is just the icing on the cake. One of the first kits I created back when I first started the CWR kit’s was this sweet Rainy Day Girl. It was time for a comeback! I hope you love all the carefully selected items of happiness in this kit! This kit was so much fun to put together! Each item is carefully selected and assembled to match a perfect little kit just for you or to send to a dear friend to enjoy! A special side note, there are prints available of the art work to create this kit.

This kit was so well received and sold out within the day! Wow I am so grateful and happy that there are others that love Rainy Days as much as I do! Thank you to everyone that purchased the kit!

Stayed tuned for next month’s kit! Reveal April 15th!

XO, Rebecca

April’s Traveler’s Notebook Everyday Journal Set Up

Hello April! I can’t believe we are already four months into 2019! Time Flies no matter what! I am really enjoying journaling everyday. I still have to play catch up but I’m getting my stories down on paper. My process includes writing an event or story a day. In this video, I show you my process of how I set up my Cahier size Traveler’s Notebook for the Month. I use the Rebecca Hoot Everyday Journals and add a few different types of paper to make it a junk journal.

Thanks for watching! Rebecca

Order the latest CWR Kit! Dismiss

Order the latestCWR Kit!